Chapter 44

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Hugh's POV

Papa forced me to go back to the pack training, and to be honest I didn't really argue with him, since I know that it won't change his mind, so I got dressed and now I'm standing on the training grounds.

I definitely would have preferred to sit with my mate and son right now, and I make sure to let the instructors know it.

"Hugh, start training." The instructor tells me.

I just roll my eyes, and I keep standing on the side of the training grounds while the rest of the people are fighting in the wolf form.

"I will call your brother if you won't move." He threatens, when he realises that I won't do as I was told.

I wasn't this stubborn before, and I was actually doing all the exercises that I was told to do, but I got lazy after the pregnancy.

Not only I'm lazy, it I'm very out of shape after laying on the bed all day without moving for months, so I gave up on training after about five minutes of practice.

When the instructor realised that I won't be doing anything, he takes out his phone, and I know that he's calling my eldest brother, who is an Alpha of this pack.

Not much later he hangs up, then he walks away, not looking at me, before he goes to help some people.

I wonder is Denver told him to leave me alone, or if he just wanted to scare me.

But only a few minutes later, I can see Denver, and he motions for me to go to him.

Great, now I will have to speak to my brother, who really isn't my favourite, and I'm definitely not his favourite brother either.

I miss the times when papa was leading this pack, it would have been a lot easier to talk to him, because I'm a bit scared of Denver.

It's not like I think that he would hurt me, at least not physically, but he's hard on me.

I don't really know why, but I assume that it's because Joshua, who's my younger brother, and I really don't get along.

And Denver likes Joshua the most of my full siblings, so this makes him not like me very much.

And even though he tries to not let me know about it, I can see the difference between how he interacts with our other siblings and me.

"Why are you not listening to the instructor?" He asks me.

"Because I don't want to." I say with a sigh.

He looks at me for a while, as if trying to decide what to do with me.

"Alright, listen, you either go back there, and listen to the instructor, or you should go straight to my office, where my beta will talk to you, because I really don't have time for this right now." Denver tells me, and he walks away.

I look at him until he's out of the sight, and then I sit down on the grass, hoping that my brother won't tell the instructor that I should be back there.

But I'm sure that he will tell papa, which makes me groan.

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