Chapter 33

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Hugh's POV

I catch my mate, before he can hit the ground, and I look at papa for help, not knowing what to do.

He comes over, while tata shifts back to his human form, and gets dressed.

"We will have to wait for him to wake up." Papa tells me, so I nod, and I let him help me sit on the other couch, because Jonah is laying on this one.

"It wasn't that bad, it could have been worse." Tata says, while he sits next to me.

I rest my back against the couch, and I wait impatiently for my mate to wake up.

It takes about an hour, which is a lot longer than any of us expected, but Jonah finally sits up, before he groans.

Only seconds later, he seems to remember that we're here, so he looks at us with wide eyes, before he gets up, and he tries to run away, but papa quickly catches him, before he forces him to sit on the couch again.

"We won't hurt you." I tell Jonah, and he nods reluctantly, then he looks at the small table that is between the couches, and he seems to notice the picture that I have showed him earlier.

He takes it in his hands and he looks at it for a while, before he looks back at me.

"So... You're really pregnant?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I say with a smile.

"He nods in acknowledgement, and then he puts his head in his hands, looking tired because of all of those informations.

"What now?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"What do you expect from me?" He asks me.

"I won't force you to be with me if that's not what you want, but I would like you to move in with me for about four months, because there is a big chance that I will lose this kid, and I will be a bit stronger if I will be with you." I tell him.

"I can do that much." He says with a small nod, and I let out a breath of relieve.

"Where do you live?" He asks me.

"We live in the woods with the rest of the pack." I say, and he frowns. "But don't worry we have normal houses and everything." I say, which seems to calm him.

"Okay." He says.

"What about Laken?" I ask him.

"He will stay here, I will go with you to see if I want him to move there too, but for now I think that it's better for him to stay." He says.

"Alright, I think that you should pack then." I tell him, and he agrees.

Jonah goes upstairs, and we wait on him for a few minutes, before he comes downstairs with a bag.

Papa and tata go out of the house first, and they go straight to the car, while I wait on Jonah to close the front door.

"You took it better than I thought that you will." I admit, and he looks at me with a shy smile, but he doesn't say anything, so I lead him to the car.

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