Chapter 36 (27)

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Chapter 027 "All the tenderness is only for one person"

Where did Meow Meow go...

Dad, go and help chase!

Dad look! it's meow...

Woooooo... Dad, help me find meow.....

It was dawn, and I was bound by nightmares all night. Either the cat was lost or I was on the way to find it.

Ben Ben woke up sadly, squinted for a while before slowly opening his eyes, and vaguely saw a tall figure standing in front of the wardrobe. He rubbed his eyes with his chubby hands, and rolled the quilt lazily around twice on the bed.

"Meow..." He muttered in his small mouth, his eyes widened suddenly, and he sat up straight.

Shen Langting was helping the child find clothes. After reading for a long time, he felt a little choice entanglement. When he heard the movement, he glanced back and greeted him as usual: "Morning, son, you are doing well today. I woke up by myself."

Benben sniffed, with a little nasal sound, he hummed and said, "Dad, I want to... find meow..."

"Put on your clothes first, and play with No. 2 when you're done. It's still in the living room, and it's lazier than you."

The disgust on Shen Langting's face was undisguised, and he turned around and threw the selected little clothes to Benben. Suddenly, he noticed that the child's eyes were a little red, so he hurriedly approached and asked, "What's wrong, what's wrong? Stomach pain?"

Ben Ben habitually picked his nose, his eyes drifted to look outside the bedroom, "The kitten... lost..."

"I haven't lost it," Shen Langting didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and slapped off his nose-piercing finger, "It turned out to be a nightmare. It's really amazing to know dreaming at such a young age and still remember the content."

Benben couldn't understand anything, he kicked around with his two calves, pulled the little clothes around his neck awkwardly with one hand, and wanted to get out of bed early to find number two to play with.

The little guy has gained a lot of weight recently, and his weight has also increased rapidly. It is hard for others to believe that this is a sixteen-month-old baby. The face became rounder, and there were several rings of flesh hanging from the arms, which felt soft and soft to the touch.

Shen Langting was so cute playing with his son's chubby arms, the feeling in the palm of his hand was as comfortable as pinching a soft balloon filled with water. After pinching his arms and then pinching his legs, he released all the stress of the day.

In short, his son's chubby body is what he uses to decompress.

It took Benben nearly ten minutes to finally get dressed. He skillfully got up from the bed, trotted all the way to the living room, went to the kitchen happily, and finally found Stupid No. 2 on the sofa in the living room.

Number Two remained motionless, rolled his eyes, and looked at him expressionlessly, extremely arrogant.

Benben held the kitten's paws, and said in a childish voice, "Meow.....get rough... over..."

Number two finally reacted, stretched for the sake of saving face, and soon yawned again, then twisted his body on the sofa and rolled around playfully, with his mouth slightly opened, making a milky sound similar to Benben.

Benben likes it being so coquettish, and he was about to hug No. 2 into his arms for a kiss. At this moment, Shen Langting's unquestionable voice came from the direction of the bathroom:

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