Chapter 107 (98)

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Chapter 098 "The Finale (1)"

Country Y's first race of the championship has entered the main race. Countless fans gathered on both sides of the track at the famous racing track.

The race time is up, and all the cars participating in the race start to warm up the tires. To ensure the safety of the drivers, if any cars stall during the start, they will be dragged back to the maintenance area for re-inspection.

After two warm-up laps, each car returned to the grid.

All the drivers participating in the competition were divided into two groups according to their qualifying results. The best results were placed at the front, and the poor results were placed at the rear. The star driver Jeni was on pole, the second was the driver representing the Ferrari team, Shen Langting was third, Yuan Chi and Victor were behind them.

The start of the racing car is signaled by five starting lights. The starting device represents the last step before the race. The five lights turn on red one by one, with an interval of one second until all five lights are on. The final starting signal is that all lights go out together before starting.

If a car stalls during this period and cannot be restarted within ten seconds, it will be a pity to withdraw from the race, but this situation is very rare on the F1 track.

As the five starting lights came on one after another, the drivers of each team started their engines and pressed down their feet hard, causing a deafening "boom, boom, boom" sound from the racing track.

In the next second, when the starting lights were all extinguished, more than 20 racing cars sped past with a speed as fast as a rocket, leaving only phantoms and endless rumbles on the track.

The race timer is restarted after each start to avoid an advantage due to starting first, and the time is kept secret.

Therefore, all racers may be able to calculate their own results in their minds based on experience, but they have no way of knowing the results of their opponents.

The main race needs to complete the fixed number of laps stipulated by the competition, and the ranking will be determined according to the results of the drivers reaching the finish line. Only the top ten drivers have the chance to get points; the first place gets 25 points, the second place gets 18 points, the third place gets 15 points... and so on, the tenth place only gets 1 point, and the drivers outside the tenth place get no points. The driver with the fastest lap time during the race can get one more point if he finishes the race in the scoring area at the end; the points of each lap driver are accumulated until all the laps are completed, and the combined total points will determine the winner of the sub-station.

In F1, as long as a driver can complete 90% of the total laps of a race, he will be counted as a finisher. The competition stipulates that the total length of the race is 305 kilometers. Different tracks have different lengths, and the number of laps to be completed on each track is also different. The number of laps set at the Silverstone Circuit in Y Country Station is 70 laps. Excluding the practice session on Friday the day before, Saturday and Sunday will take two days to complete the 70-lap schedule.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the race was stipulated to end within two hours. From the moment the starting light went out, all participating drivers had entered the 35-lap race schedule of the first day.

In the first lap of PK, the drivers of each team staged intense and dramatic scenes for everyone. Compared with the leading car in front, the speed of taking off was comparable to that of the leading car. Several cars behind received the yellow flag from the referee in the first lap, and one car had to retire due to an unexpected situation.

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