Hoodie Lemon!!

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You and Hoodie were cuddling on the couch, one of his arms were around your waist while the other was stroking your hair. Your sleeping face was burried in the crook of his neck when you felt his soft lips kiss your forehead. You fluttered your eyes open to look at him, causing Hoodie to blush and look down. You giggled at his cuteness and kissed his cheek before he turned back to you. "YN?" He asked. "Hmm?" You answered back. Hoodie took in a deep breath "C-can w-w-we...well c-can I-I-I...." Hoodie trailed off, looking away. His cheeks were extremely flushed and his stutter was worse than usual. "What is it dear?" You asked. Hoodie sighed "YN, c-can we....try s-something n-n-new?" He asked. "Like what?" Hoodie was silent for a minute before he finally squeaked out "....M-m-make l-l-l-love?" He asked, not looking you in the eye once. You smiled and pecked his lips before whispering in his ear "Yes dear." You replied. Hoodie smiled at you before picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom. Hoodie closed the door before softly laying you down on the bed. He already began to undo you pants and take your shirt off. Before he could get any further you clasped his face in your hands and bent your lips towards his ear "Hoodie, baby, please DON'T be gentle.." You pleaded before nibbling on his earlobe. Hoodie let out a pleasured moan before pushing you down on the bed. He held both of your wrists down with one hand while the other began to take off your bra. He began to suck on the tips of your breasts, it pleasured you so much you let out a small squeak. Hoodie stopped and looked at you, making sure you were still okay. He trailed the kissed down your stomach and hips, making your heart beat faster. Hoodie realesed your hands to take off his hoodie and shirt with you undid the button of his jeans. Hoodie straddled your hips and kept his lips inches away from yours. "Y-You r-ready?" He asked. You bit your lip and nodded as he entered you slowly. This was your first time, and to be honest it hurt like hell. Not to mention Hoodie was really big, by the time he entered all the way you already had tears streaming down your cheeks. Hoodie kissed your tears away "D-do you w-want me t-to g-go s-slow?" He asked in a concerned voice. You shook your head no before grabbing his neck and pulling him into a kiss. Hoodie began to pump fast inside of you, the faster he went the more you could feel it building up inside you. After a few minutes you realsed, and Hoodie followed a few minutes after you. Once you were finished he let you wear his hoodie and lay your head on his chest "L-love?" He called out. "Yes?" Hoodie let out a soft chuckle "You think w-we c-could d-do that again s-sometime?"

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