When he visits you at school

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Slenderman~ "I don't see the reason why everybody is staring.." Slenderman admitted, stopping at the steps of your school. "Um..maybe because you're seven feet tall, paper white, and have no face?" You teased. He chuckled and and kissed your cheek lovingly, handing you your books. "Well, I guess I'll see you in a few hours.." He sighed. "Ah, don't say it like that dear." You pleaded. He looked down at the ground before kissing your hand "Please make this day go quick, I can't wait for you to get home." He said before you walked into your first class.

Jeff the Killer~ "Jeff, you really didn't need to do that." You chuckled, dawning on your favorite colored hoodie. He shrugged and kissed your cheek "Well, I didn't want you to get cold." He admitted. You had forgotten your jacket at home today, making Jeff go to your school and return it to you. You rolled your eyes "Whatever, you just wanted to visit me, didn't you?" His pale cheeks began to turn pink "I'll pick you up later." He chuckled, walking you out of the office.

Ben Drowned~ "You know me so well." You snickered, feeling Ben wrap his arms around your waist. You really didn't want to go to gym today, you just weren't feeling well. Therefore, Ben came to your school and excused you from it, saying that it was an unnecessary class. You both sat together on the bleachers, watching your other classmates attempt to do a push up. He kissed you softly before grabbing your hand "You know, I could excuse you for the rest of the day..?"

Eyeless Jack~ "Babe..what are you doing here?" You asked, staring up at Jack while pulling your chemistry book out of your locker. "Well, I wanted to see you before you came home for our date." You chuckled "You couldn't wait that long?" "No." He replied, moving his mask to softly peck your cheek "I'll be home soon, but you need to go home now." You explained. Jack sighed "Fine.." He said, defeated before walking you to your next class.

Laughing Jack~ You shrieked, feeling someone hug you from behind. "Hey sweetie." Jack's calm voice greeted you, a few people in the hallway stopping to look at Jack. "Hi babe, what are you doin here?" You asked curiously. He handed you a baggie filled with salt water taffy "I wanted to make sure you had something sweet." He winked before kissing you softly.

Masky~ You smiled and snuggled deep into Masky's chest, enjoying the veiw. You didn't want to go to your math class today, instead you and Masky went on top of your school's roof to watch the clouds. You felt Masky run his fingers through your hair, his lips softly kissing the back of your neck. "You should skip math class more often.." He whispered quietly on your skin.

Hoodie~You hated history class, all you ever did was write dates down in your notebook. But, there was one thing that made it all better. Hoodie's notes. He would write notes in your history spiral everyday to cheer you up, some saying how beautiful you were to him, others telling you little stories. You sighed, re-reading his printed writing I can't wait for you to come home <3

Ticci Toby~ You chuckled, taking a bite of your syrupy waffle "Thank you Toby." You had forgotten your lunch at home today, but Toby decided to bring you something else. He kissed your cheek before taking a bite of his pancake "Of course, I didn't want my baby to go hungry." He chuckled, wrapping his arm around your waist.

Lost Silver~ "Silver, you can't be here right now!" You whispered, trying to not draw any attention to yourself. You were in the middle of your language arts class when Silver suddenly decided to pay you a visit. "Don't w-worry b-babe, nobody c-can see me." He explained. You sighed and continued to do your work as Silver followed you around for the rest of the day.

Homicidal Liu/ Sully~ You smiled and allowed Liu to wrap his arms around your waist. "I missed you." He chuckled. You rolled your eyes "It was only a few hours." You giggled as Liu pulled you to the car, carrying your books and schoolbag for you. "Well, at least the day is over." He smiled, opening the passenger door for you to drive you home.

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