When you tell him the big news!!

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Slenderman~ You sat Sally, your sister, and Slender down in the living room, giggling softly. "Do you all know why we're having this little meeting?" You asked. Slender tilted his head at you, confused. "What is it my dear?" He asked, pulling both of the girls onto his lap. You smiled widely at them all, rubbing your stomach. "I love our little family so much that I thought we should add another." You cooed, making all three of them popped up. Sally and your sister hugged each other, happy about the child as Slender swooped you up into his arms. "I..I'm so happy.." He whispered in a broken voice, the same ones that sound like they're on the verge of tears.

Jeff the Killer~ You anxiously sat in Jeff's lap, nervous about how you would break it to him. You found out today that you were pregnant, but Jeff didn't know about it quiet yet. His hands went up to your shoulders, gently massaging them. "What's wrong babe? You seem a little tense.." He asked, making you sigh. "I..I don't know.." You replied, feeling goosebumps go down your arms. He attempted to frown before kissing you softly, making your heart flutter. "Please tell me." He begged, making you sigh again. "Well..I found out that I..I'm pregnant." You said, making his eyes light up. He stayed silent for a moment, making you nervous "Are you mad?" You asked. He hugged you tightly, putting his lips to your ear "Mad? How could I be mad! This is the best thing that's ever happened to us!"
Ben Drowned~ Your shaking hands gave Ben the neatly wrapped box, your heart beating out of your chest. "Benny? I have something for you.." You mumbled, handing him the present. "What's this? " he asked, pausing his game. You let out an unsteady breath and gave off a weak smile "Why don't you open it to find out?" You replied, making him chuckle. He untied the ribbon and slid the lid off, his jaw dropping at what was inside. The positive pregnancy test fell to the ground as he threw you against his chest, kissing your face over and over again. "I can't believe this happening." He mumbled onto your lips, holding you as tight as he possibly could.

Eyeless Jack~ You watched as Jack began to draw a line on his sleeping victim's stomach, right where his kidneys were. Your heartbeat was accelerated, aware of what you about to tell him. He put the cap on his black sharpie before holding his hand out to you "Could I see my scalpel?" He whispered in a raspy voice. You began to shake before handing him the small slip of paper from your pocket. "What's this?" He asked you, unfolding it careful. You rubbed your knuckles as he dropped the note on the floor, scooping you up into his arms and kissing your lips passionately. "You're..pregnant." He told himself, a huge grin placed upon his lips.

Laughing Jack~ You giggled as the crane dropped the small, pink teddy bear, it's glass eyes glistening. Jack smiled at you before crouching down, taking the bear into his claws. "For you, my love." He said, handing the bear to you. You chuckled and hugged the bear close to your chest "No, I don't think I should keep it.." You mumbled, looking down at the stuffed animal. Jack frowned "Why do you say that?" He asked. You beamed, a wide smile going across your face "We should give it to our baby." You explained. You watched as Jack's face went to confusion, then joy, and finally to tears.

Masky~ You felt Masky's arm wrap around your waist as you waited in line, your stomach beginning to growl. "What do ya wanna get?" He asked, rubbing your back. He twirled a strand of your hair in his fingers as you made up your mind. You looked up the bakery's menu behind the cash register. "Hmm ..let's get two strawberry cheesecakes." You said, making Masky tilt his head in confusion. "Two?" He repeated. You smiled and nodded, kissing his cheek "One for us, and one for our baby shower tomorrow." In an instant, Masky was already beginning to sob.

Hoodie~ Hoodie yawned and kissed your forehead, hugging you close "Good m-morning.." He sleepily grumbled. You giggled and kissed his cheek, smiling at how adorable he was. "Good morning." You replied, watching him get up to go to the bathroom. You smiled, thinking of the note you left him in there. "I'm pregnant!" Was written in lipstick on the mirror. Hoodie opened the door, instantly gasping before running back to you. He tackled you into a hug, kissing your face over and over again before bursting into tears.

Ticci Toby~ "Well, what if I was pregnant?" You asked him, trying to make it sound like a theoretical question. Toby bit into his syrupy waffle, thinking carefully. "Well, if you were pregnant..I don't know..I guess I'd be ecstatic " He smiled, chewing the last piece of his waffle. You smiled as he looked down at his stained plate, his eyes going wide. "Wait..why do you ask?" He questioned, making you grin. "Oh my god, we're having a baby Rodger!" He screamed, running over to hug to tightly.

Lost Silver~ You flipped through a stack of Pokémon cards, making Silver list off the names. "Duosion, Lampent, Ponyta..what?" He asked, looking down at your positive pregnancy test. You smiled, kissing his cheek. "What's its name?" You asked, making Silver's mouth drop open. He kissed you softly, gently, pulling away with tears in his eyes. "You're serious, right?" He questioned. You nodded, making his eyes fill to the rim "I..I'm the happiest man alive.." He whispered, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck.

Homicidal Liu/Sully~ You fixed Liu his morning cup of coffee, swirling the cream around with a dull spoon. "I hope he likes it.." You giggled, pouring the warm liquid into a cup that read "World's Best Dad <3" Liu yawned, rubbing his eyes while entering the kitchen. "Good morning.." He mumbled, kissing your cheek. He took a sip of his beverage, seeing that it was a new mug "Where'd you get this fro-" Crash. The mug crumbled onto the tile as Liu began to weep, pulling you close to him as he kissed you passionately.

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