First kiss

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Slenderman~ You sat under a tall pine tree, waiting for Slender. You were a little tired, well a lot tired. You couldn't keep your eyes open. You leaned back on the tree, yawning. You promised yourself you would only close your eyes, you wouldn't fall asleep. But before you knew it you found yourself in a deep slumber. You dreamed of random things, until you felt soft lips press on yours. You woke up and saw Slender kissing you. He pulled away, noticing you were awake. "I'm so sorry dear! I didn't know tha-" You pulled him into another kiss which made him relax, knowing you liked when he kissed you.

Jeff the killer~ You cuddled on the couch with Jeff, just watching movies and talking,until his hand went to your face. He began tracing all your features, your eyes, your cheekbones, the bridge of your nose, the cupids bow above your upper lip. "You're really pretty, you know that?" he said. You shook your head embarrassed as he outlined your lips. "Yeah, you are." he whispered. He leaned down and pressed his tender lips on yours. You kissed for a few seconds until he pulled away and rested his face on your neck. "Do you know how good it feels to kiss you?" he asked, his breath on your skin.

Ben Drowned~ "Yes! I won!" you gloated to Ben after beating him in a game. You looked at him smugly, until you noticed he wasn't looking at you. No, he was looking at your lips. You noticed and became a little self conscious. "Is everything alright?" you asked. Ben smirked and pulled you on his lap. "Everything is perfect baby." he growled. He slammed his erotic lips on yours and softly bit into your bottom lip. You only kissed for a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity. After the kiss he put his chin on your head "No, I think I'm the real winner now." Ben said stroking your hair.

Eyeless Jack~ You sat in your room alone, in silence, and afraid. You had a bad dream a few hours ago about you and your family being murdered. You were to scared to get up and talk to your family, you wanted Jack. All of a sudden your curtain moved, making you even more scared. You felt someone grab your wrist and you screamed. You turned around crying and saw Jack. He hugged you close, not wanting you to cry "Hey, it's okay, it's just me." and with that he pulled his mask up and gave you a short, delicate kiss to calm you down. It worked on your mind but not your heart rate.

Laughing Jack~ You rode the Ferris wheel with Jack again, your hands enter twined. You loved the Ferris wheel, it let you see the entire carnival all at one time. Once you got to the top, the ride stopped. You looked at Jack a little frantically. "Jack, is it supposed to stop like this?" you asked "Only on special occasions." Jack chuckled. You looked at him a little confused as he leaned in. He kissed your lips softly, barley brushing them on yours. But because the kiss was so light, it lasted a while. You kissed for a minute until the ride came on again. Jack licked his lips "Your as sweet as I thought you would be."

Masky~ You and Masky were cuddled up in a tree, his arms wrapped around you tightly. Your hand was pressed on his chest and your head was on his heart. You listened to it beat, until the beat got faster. You looked up at Masky "Whats wrong? You're heart sounds like it's going to beat right out of your chest," you told him."I was thinking about kissing you, I guess I got to excited." he looked down, kinda ashamed. You pulled his mask over his lips and kissed him sweetly. You were going to kiss him more, but Masky's heart was beating so fast you thought he would die of a heart attack.

Hoodie~ Hoodie was awfully quiet today at the park. He only held your hand and stared at you, barley even talking. You ignored it, not wanting to embarrass him. Finally Hoodie spoke, his grip tightening. "I-I'm s-s-sorry YN,f-for s-staring." he said. "No, it's fine." you comforted him. You sat in silence again, Hoodie still staring, "Y-YN." Hoodie whispered "Hmm?" you asked "C-c-can I k-kiss y-y-you?" he asked You nodded as he leaned, moving his mask. His warm lips were on yours for at least a minute, giving you the most mindblowing kiss you have ever had. "T-t-thank y-you." hoodie stuttered.

Ticci Toby~ You sat in your bedroom, listening to music and waiting for Toby. Rain pattered on your window as Toby rushed inside "YN, we need to go now!" Toby frantically grabbed your hands. "Toby, what the hell is going on!?" you asked. "Don't worry, just come outside before the rain stops!" Toby said pulling you outside, "Why, I don't wanna go outside-" you were cut off by Toby giving you a loving kiss. You kissed for a few seconds before pulling away. You smiled at him, raindrops dripping off your nose. "I wanted our first kiss to be in the rain." Toby explained, kissing you again.

Lost Silver~ "Silver dear, can you hold me please?" your voice whispered as you were cuddled with Silver in your bedroom. "I-I can't." Silver replied sadly. You looked up at him and smiled "Sure you can, if you try to, I might feel it." you said, wanting to be held by Silver. He smiled softly and tried holding you, it worked because his body was curved on yours and you could almost feel something similar to arms. "See! I could feel you." you exclaimed. Silver smiled and kissed you sweetly for a minute. "D-do you know how long I've wanted to do t-that." he whispered on your lips.

Homicidal Liu/Sully~ Ding! Your phone went off, telling you that you had a text. You checked your phone to see it was from Liu. It read; Hey cutie, I can't wait to see you tonight -3-. He sent you a virtual kiss. You texted back; Why don't you come quickly and do that in person? ^_~. As soon as you sent that your front door flew open. "I will." Liu said to you as he came up and grabbed your waist. He kissed you with all the passion he was holding back since the day he met you. You pulled away after a few minutes, panting heavily. "I love when I can feel you smile in the kiss." Liu said making you blush.

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