When he almost dies (his pov) part 3!!!

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Ticci Toby~ Slice. Slice. Slice. The rythm of my hatchet flying over the sharpener at brisk preciciptacy was soothing to me. I stood from my chair, put my hatchet in my belt, and popped my fingers articulately. I walked across my room and exited through the glass paned window. My feet hit the firm ground and my neck twisted with a pop. I ran through the woods, branches tangling in my hair and jacket, trying to pull me back. The auroral moon shined down on me as I sprinted faster. After running for thirteen minutes, I finally came across the ending of the forest and the beginning of the city. Cars on the streets roared past as music blared from nearby clubs. I needed to make this quick before anyone could see me. Plastic bags skipped down the street as grieving men begged for quarters. I cut through a backalley where graffiti tainted the walls and garage cans overflowed with trash and spilled onto the concrete. I gripped my hatchet, knowing that at least one person had to be here. I turned the brick corner and keep my eyes straight, the dreary orange light from the street lamps cascaded over the city. It was quite, to quiet. I turned another corner, before being smashed onto the stone wall. I was unprepared for this, I had forgotten my training. Strong arms held me to the wall as I felt something poke my side. I knew I must have been getting stabbed, and once the attacker didn't hear shrieks of pain, he stabbed harder. Even though it didn't hurt, I began to feel tired and dizzy. Sirens could be heard in the background, causing the attacker to run and me to fall to the ground ***Time Skip*** The smell of chemicals and the sound of beeps awoke me. I opened my eyes to see that I was in a hospital room, my stomach wrapped in medical tape. The door to my room was pushed open to revel a pretty little face. YN. Once she saw I was awake she ran towards me, tears beading across her cheeks. She kissed me widely, my lips, my forehead, my cheeks, my nose. "Toby, baby, I love you so much! I was so worried! Are you okay, do you need anything?" Her frantic voice questioned. I chuckled at her sincerity "Well, there is one thing..." I muttered. "What is it?" She asked. "You." I said, pulling her close.

Lost Silver~ I drifted through random gamboy and d.s games, trying to find the perfect victim. I went through many different game consoles as well as games, like Sonic and Mario Brothers. I floated from game to game, until I found a d.s, playing Pokemon. I smiled to myself, entering the d.s to see the player was in Lavender Town. As I passed through, the game began to glitch and distort, irritating the player "What the hell is wrong with this?" He questioned. I made myself visable, confusing him even more "I'm lost, could you help me?" I asked. The player rolled his eyes "This crappy ass game isn't worth my time..." He said, closing his d.s. There was only darkness for a little while, when I heard a small click. I knew it had to be the player taking the game out "No no no, please don't take it out please don't." I whispered to myself. He pulled the game out of the cartridge, making the world spin out of control. Pain shot through my temple as a banging sound pounded in my ears. Dizzyness conjectured through my body as I attempted to drift out of the d.s. No use, I was stuck. It was almost like an invisible wall was holding me back. Cimerian shade was still visable, yet a dim phosporescene could be seen as well. I pushed as hard as I could, trying to get out. I took my focus off of the ethreal wall and looked around. I was lost now, and I had no idea where I could possibly be. Panic swelled up in my chest as I began to take slow, heavy gasps of air. "YN, can you hear m-me? I'm l-lost, I can't g-get o-out..." I called out into crepuscile. I began to feel weak and naucus, until all I could see were the backs of my eyelids. ***Time Skip*** I heard soft whimpers as well as a male voice. It sounded almost like Ben's "Don't worry YN, he'll be fine, I promise." He said. "Are you sure? What if he isnt? I don't know what I would do if he wasn't. I love him to much-" but she cut herself off with her own sobs. I could feel her on my chest now, weeping, making me open my eyes. "Y-YN, please don't c-cry..." I pleaded. She shot up and stared into my eyes, a wide smile creeping on her lips. She sweetley pressed her lips on mine, her hands making their way to my chest and hair. "I heard you call out for me, so I called Ben to help you get out, I love you..." She said on my lips. She pressed back down on me, kissing harder and making Ben leave the room.

Homicidal Liu\Sully~ "YOU KNOW, WE SHOULD SEE WHOS IN THAT HOUSE OVER THERE..." Sully suggested. "And why would we do that?" I asked, bewildered as well as annoyed. "WELL, WE HAVEN'T KILLED ANYONE IN AWHILE, AND THAT HOUSE LOOKS PRETTY PROMISING...." He trailed off. I looked at the house he was talking about, seeing that it was a normal, off white suberban house that, no doubt, had to have kids. "Sully, I don't really think we should." I replied sternly. "WELL YOU DON'T REALLY HAVE A CHOICE KID." Sully chuckled darkley, making his way to the house. I sighed, knowing what I had to be subjected to. I hated doing this, but Sully sure did love it. I would always pretend it wasn't happening and think of things that made me happy, like YN. We peeked through the window, seeing a father and two younger children. "THIS SHOULD BE FUN." Sully muttered. We went around back to a different door, seeing that it entered the kitchen. "READY LIU?" Sully asked, tauntingly. I shook my head and tried to close my eyes, but it didn't work. Sully pulled the acuminate blade out of our jacket pocket and made our way to the living room where the family was relaxing. I began to feel like something was very wrong, almost out of place. We entered the living room, causing the children to gasp, but the dad to smirk. That's when it hit me. He was a cop. His badge and gun sitting right next to him his when Sully noticed. "sHiT." We said simitaniously, turning for the door. I heard him cock the gun and a gunshot, as well as an excruciating pain travel through my back. I could feel moisture through my coat as my legs tried to carry me as far as they possibly could. ***Time Skip*** A bright light shined through my closed eyelids as fingers stocked my hair and traced the scars on my back. I opened my eyes to see I was layed on my stomach, shirtless with IV tube stuck in my arm. I tried to sit up, when petite hands softley pushed me back down. I looked behind me to see my beautiful YN, tears stricken across her face. I smiled at her "Oh YN, WE missed you so much." Sully and I said. She giggled and kissed my cheek, continuing to stock my hair. "Baby?" I asked. "Yeah?" "I know this probably isn't the right time , but, where the hell are we?"

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