When you try to help him stop smoking

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Slenderman~ You frowned at the ashtray in Slender's office, wanting to help him. You knew smoking was unhealthy, you wanted him to stop. You rubbed Slender's hand as he read, laying your head on his shoulder. "I know what you're thinking dear." He said to you. You shuddered, forgetting the whole mind reading thing. "I just.. want to make sure nothing happens to you.." "Darling, I am the great Slenderman, nothing along these terms will harm me." You shrugged in silence. "Still.." You mustered. He was quiet for a long while before kissing your forehead. "I'm not promising anything, but I'll see what I can do. I'll do anything for you." He said, brushing the hair out of your face.

Jeff the Killer~ "Oh, come on YN! Please don't be like this." He begged, holding your waist tightly. You were refusing to kiss him until he quick smoking. "Nope." You pouted, crossing your arms in front of your chest. He tried again, and again, but you dodged each one of his kisses. "Please?" He pleaded, grabbing your wrists. "No! I'm not kissing a chain smoker." You told him. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "If I stop..will you kiss me again?" He asked. "Of course! But only until you stop." You said. He tossed his head back, frustrated. He thought for a little bit, before muttering "I'll work on it." admitting defeat. "That's my baby." You smiled, gently kissing his cheek. "This better go by quickly." He mumbled.

Ben Drowned~ "I want you to be happy and healthy in Oliver's future." You snapped, putting your hands on your hips. You needed to get Ben to stop smoking, and you didn't know how to do that other than getting his baby boy involved. "I will be there for Oliver, this isn't getting in the middle of our future." He coaxed. "Yes it is! I don't want you getting sick! I don't want Oliver's clothes to smell like tobacco, and I don't want you taking so much time out of your day lighting a cigarette outside when you should be spending time with us." You whimpered as Ben came close, hugging you. "Okay, okay. Maybe you're right.." He trailed off. "When aren't I?" You giggled, making Ben smirk.

Eyeless Jack~ "YN, where are they?" Jack demanded. "Where are what?" You asked, playing dumb. "You know what. Where are my cigarettes?" He asked. You guilty thought of what you did, you had thrown the cancer sticks outside in the rain. You pulled him on the bed with you, wrapping your legs around his waist. "You don't need them." You said, kissing his lips. "Yes I do." He whined, trying to get out of your grip. "No, you don't." You said again, playing with his hair. He sighed, laying his head on your chest. "I'll help you, really I will Jack. Please, except my help. I want you to get better." You said. He was quiet for a long time before holding you close, gripping at your waist. "You're right, I need your help. I need you, YN. I've only ever needed you, babygirl."

Laughing Jack~ You smiled at yourself, patting the ground with the small spoon. You knew Jack would be pissed when he found out, but it was for the best. You had just buried all his lighters and all the cigarettes he owned in a spot in the ground that he would never suspect. You dusted your hands on your shirt and tried to rub the mud off your denim patched knees. Maybe he wouldn't be too mad? Maybe he would be grateful for what you did? It was out of love after all. You would simply explain yourself if he asked. He wouldn't be too mad..would he? Your question was answered that night at dinner. And in fact, he wasn't angry. Not one bit. He was happy and very much so surprised about how deeply you cared for him.

Masky~ Well, that didn't work. You had done just about everything to get Tim to stop smoking. You tried every trick in the book, throwing away his lighters, but he'd only buy new ones. You'd stop kissing him for long periods of time, but he would always sneakily get one from you when you weren't paying any attention. It didn't work, and you know what, that was okay with you. He'd been smoking for years, and it never came between the two of you. He knew of the dangers and the consequences, but never cared about them. It made him calm. It made him happy, and relaxed. And the last thing you wanted to do was control him or manipulate his personal decisions.

Hoodie~ "You need to stop Hoodie.." You told him. Hoodie would smoke off and on, lighting a cigarette every once and a while, but now he always had one in between his fingers. "I c-can't YN. I'm way t-too s-stressed out.." He said, taking a long, slow drag before puffing it out his nostrils. "Stressed out about what?" You asked, grabbing his hand. He sighed, shaking his head. "I-It's nothing b-baby.." He said, taking more smoke in. After a few more persistent tries, he finally told you what was troubling him. Work, bills, the girls, making sure you still loved him. After you finished reassuring him and kissing him multiple times, he realized he didn't need a cigarette to calm him down. He needed you.

Ticci Toby~ "Toby, you can't do this anymore." You said, pouting profusely. "Why not, it's not like I can feel anything anyways.." He grumbled. You frowned at his answer, hugging him close. "But I can. I hear your painful coughs at night, and the uneven heartbeat in your chest when we cuddle. I want you forever..but I don't know how long forever can be if you keep this up Toby.." You trailed off, tears flooded in your eyes. Toby mimicked your actions, gently caressing your face with his thumb. "YN..I love you so very much. And if this makes you disappointed or afraid, I'll change. I'll change anything to be with you YN." (I don't support changing yourself for others, readers! Be you!)

Lost Silver~ "H-honey..could y-you light me?" Silver asked, a cigarette sticking out his mouth. Silver had started smoking a few weeks ago, and considering the fact he had no limbs, you were in charge of lighting it. You looked at him for a bit, almost lighting it for him, when you stopped. "No, Silver dear. I can't." You murmured. Silver raised an eyebrow, his face almost looking guilty. "Why not?" He asked. "I..I don't want anything to happen to you.." You replied. He chuckled again "S-sweetie, I'm d-dead, it doesn't matter." He reminded you. "Yeah, but..doesn't it hurt your lungs?" "N-no, it f-fills them. It fills t-them with the a-anger I feel, a-and then I let i-it all go.."

Homicidal Liu/Sully~ "OH CUTIE PIE, I'M IN CHARGE OF LIU NOW. AND FOR THE RECORD, LIU LIKES THIS VERY, VERY MUCH." Sully said, lighting another Marlboro. Sully had started to force Liu into smoking again, and it looked like both of them were enjoying it. "No, Liu's body can't handle this right now." You said to Sully, watched a cloud of smoke roll out his mouth. "WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT." He shrugged. For a few months this continued, carton after carton, when you gave him the ultimatum. You or the addiction. In the end, Liu chose you in a heartbeat while Sully fumed inside.

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