When he's sad

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Slenderman~ "What's wrong with you?" You asked Slender, resting your head in his lap. He had been awfully quiet and gloomy today, making you a little worried. "Just thinking dear.." He said in a pessimistic tone. "Thinking about what?" You asked. Slender sighed "I hate myself. I hate being this monster, but I can't help it..I'm no good for anyone." He sadly sighed. You araised from your earlier position and cupped his face in your hands. "Don't ever say that. I love you so much, you can't even comprehend. You are an amazing boyfriend, father, brother and boss. I love you, please know that." You pleaded. Slender's white cheeks turned pink as he kissed your forehead and held you tighter "Thank you love, that's just what I needed."

Jeff the killer~ After a long day's work all you wanted to was come home and cuddle with Jeff. You opened your bedroom door to find Jeff sobbing in the corner. He kept saying why over and over again, causing you grief. You bent down next to him, stroking his hair "What's the matter baby?" You asked in a sincere tone of voice. "I'm fucking insane!" He wept. "You pulled him into a comforting hug " Why do you say that?" You asked. "I never should have done that to Liu...I miss him.." He sniffled. You kissed away his tears "Don't cry Jeff, we'll give him a call tomorrow, okay?" You asked. Jeff nodded before resting his head back down on your chest, softly kissing it while tears hit the bare skin.

Ben Drowned~ "Baby?" Ben asked softly. "Yeah?" You replied. He was quiet for a minute before asking "Would....would you ever leave me for someone better?" At that moment you noticed Ben was sobbing. You grabbed his hand and touched his face "Of course not!!! Where would you ever get an idea like that?" You asked. "Well..I don't know I guess..I'm still wondering why a girl like you would want me." He confessed. "You are more than perfect for me sweetheart, you're everything I've ever wanted in a boyfriend. I would never leave you for anything." "Promise?" He asked. You pecked his lips quickly "Promise."

Eyeless Jack~ "God dammit.." You heard Jack mutter in the bathroom. You're eyebrows raised "Whats the matter Jack?" You bellowed from your bedroom. "Nothing.." He replied with a soft sigh. His miserable tone troubled you deeply, causing you to move across the cubicle and to the bathroom. You pecked through the already opened door, seeing an unmasked Jack, one hand touching his 'eye' and the other touching the mirror. You grabbed his shoulder softly "Babe, what's going on?" You asked. "I..I'm a freak...a hideous monster.." He choked out, staring into the mirror. You turned him towards you, pecking his lips. "Jack, don't ever say that. You are so handsome, perfect and unique in every single way. I could never imagine you any differently than you are now." You reassured him. "You mean that?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "With all my heart."

Laughing Jack~ You were walking down to Jack's carnival, just to pay him a visit. He wasn't there when you woke up this morning, and that made you awfully concerned. You pushed the creeky gate door open, immediately hearing sobs. You searched three different tents before you came across a stained yellow one, where Jack was on his knees weeping. He kept muttering the name Issac and something about an anniversary. You ran over to him, throwing your arms around him "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" You asked. Jack shook his head, wipping his tears away which caused his makeup to be smeared in the process. "Don't wanna talk about it?" You wondered. He nodded yes as he burrowed his head in your hair. You rubbed circles into his back and kissed his cheeks. Your sweet little gestures cheered Jack up soon after, leaving you to wonder what was wrong with him.

Masky~ Drowsiness hit you immedently as the rings of your alarm clock began to play. You groaned and hit the snooze button, looking at the date next to the time. May 8th, mothers day. You let out another groan, already dreading having to call your mother. You rolled over to Masky, seeing that he was already awake. He had a face as long as a fiddle as well as a tear rolling down his cheek. You wipped it away quickly, hugging his waist. "Why are you crying?" You asked in a soft voice. Masky began to stroke your hair as he responded "I don't know, I guess I just miss my mom.." He trailed off. You frowned sadly and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry babe.." You said, not really sure what to say. You tried to cheer him up for the rest of the day, and it worked, but it still made you feel really bad seeing him so forlorn.

Hoodie~ "I-I c-can't do t-this a-a-anymore!" You heard Hoodie cry out from the bathroom. Your eyes widened as you ran in, seeing him crouched on the ground, holding his head in his hands with pills scattered everywhere. You sat in front of him, grabbing his unmasked face. "Dear, what the hell is going on?" You asked in a scared tone. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he pulled you into a very long, heartwarming kiss. "P-please, k-keep t-those pills a-a-away from m-me, m-make s-sure I n-never take t-them a-again.." He asked. You nodded and picked each and every one of them up before flushing them down the toilet. You stared down at the ground for a minute before you felt Hoodie grab your hand "L-love..c-could y-you p-please h-h-hold me?"

Ticci Toby~ You were fast asleep, only you and your thoughts, when you were awaken by a bone chilling scream. You jumped up faster then the strike of a cobra, looking around anxiously. You glanced beside you at Toby, seeing him sobbing and breathing quickly, his hand placed over his heart. You put your hands on his damp cheeks "What's wrong?" You asked him. He didn't respond to your question, instead he just cried even harder. "I....I-I miss her so much YN.." He choked through his sobs. You looked at him confused before forcing him back down on the bed. "Please babe, don't cry. Everything's okay now." You reassured him the best you could. Toby nodded his head, grabbing your waist "Everything's better when you're here." He said with a half smile.

Lost Silver~ "YN....would y-you...would you find me..if I were..l-lost?" You heard Silver squeek out from behind you. You gawked at him, grabbing his jacket "Of course I would!! What would give you the idea that I wouldn't?!" You asked with astonishment. Silver began to cry as he looked away "I don't know..alot of p-people have left me in the dark b-before.." He sighed. You touched his damp face, making him look at you before you placed a soft kiss on his cold lips. "I would never do that to you, I love you to much." Silver smiled "Please..n-never leave me?" He asked. You nodded with a glimmer in your eyes, kissing him again.

Homicidal Liu/Sully~ "YN, can I ask you something?" Liu asked as he walked into your bedroom. "Yeah." You replied, not looking up from your book. "Do I...agitate you?" He asked, a quiver in his voice. You looked up at him, seeing that he was already begin to cry. You hopped off your bed and wipped his tears away "What do you mean?" You asked. "Well..I can't control Sully and he's pretty annoying..would you rather date someone else that can control their personality's?" He said, crying harder. Seeing him so sad almost made you cry, causing you to bite your lip. "No, I love you AND Sully, don't think about things like that, okay?" You asked. Liu nodded with a smile before covering your face and neck with kisses.

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