Your first kill

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Slenderman~ Shudders of excitement and anxiousness shot through you as you clutched the pistol in your hand. You had had a dream of your father again, memories of him beating you and your sister were crystal clear. You could feel the pain and hatred through your dream, causing you to snap. I'll show him..I'll make him pay.. You thought to yourself silently, trudging through the forest to get to your old home. The smell of cigarettes and whiskey greeted you as you pushed the broken screen door open, instantly finding your drunken father on the couch. A hiccup escaped him as he turned to you. "My my YN, how you've grown." He chuckled, looking you up and down. "Did you bring your sister back with you?" He snickered, taking a long drink from the glass bottle filled with liquor. "Why the hell would I ever do that?" You snapped confidently. "Oh, my little baby found out how to speak up while she was gone." He muttered, shaking his head and beginning to stand. You aimed the handgun at him, your shaky finger ready to pull the trigger. "Stay put." You demanded, only evoking laughter from him. "Where'd you get that from?" He slurred, sloppily coming towards you. Tears filled your eyes to the brim "Do you even understand what the hell is wrong with you? You weren't like this before! You were so loving, now you're just an abusive drunk! This is all (sister's name) knows you as!" You shouted, the sound of a gunshot interrupting your sentence. Blood dripped down your fathers face as he hit the floor with a thud, the liquor bottle breaking at the impact. Your heart raced as you ran up to his dead body, smiling down at him. "I'm free."

Jeff the Killer~ A giggle escaped from you as you rushed through the apartment room, hammer in hand. Your husband was a killer, why can't you be one too? Adrenaline washed over you the same way a wave hits the shore, a tingling numbness traveling through your body. A turn led to the bedroom, making you find a young woman, no older than 25. She slept peacefully, her curly brown hair resting beneath her. A smile crept upon your face as you sat at the foot of the bed, feeling it sink with your weight. The woman moved restlessly, turning on her side. You watched as she mumbled something in her sleep, softly scratching the back of her head. You shook her foot impatiently, making her sit up to find you. "Who the hell are you?" She screeched in a nasally voice. You chuckled, rising from her bed and carefully walking to her bedside table. "That doesn't really matter, you won't know me for too long." You grinned, smacking her with the end of your heavy, steal hammer. A yelp escaped from her as tears from the pain made their way into her eyes. The weapon swept across her nose and forehead, cracks from the bones breaking giving you both uncontrollable feelings of pleasure and disgust. You continued to beat her face until she lay a limp, bloodied mess, a giggle being heard as you left the apartment complex.

Ben Drowned~ You smiled at the teen boy in the arcade, watching him play. I can't wait to get my hands on him.. You thought to yourself, beginning to walk up to his game. This was the day you had finally snapped, the day you decided you wanted your first kill. A chuckle escaped from him as he looked you up and down. "Ah, what's a pretty little girl like you doing here?" He asked, gesturing to the almost empty arcade. Nobody was in the abandoned, dirty arcade except for the balding middle aged man that worked concessions in the other room. "I dunno, I guess I'm just lonely.." You giggled, secretly concealing the pocket knife in the palm of your hand. He chuckled and inched closer, lips almost meeting yours. "I can fix that.." He whispered, making you grin. "Doubt it." You mumbled, striking the knife into his throat. Shock and pain moved across his face as the gurgling sound of blood escaped from him. The warm, crimson liquid ran down to his collar bone as he fell to the carpeted ground with a thud, you're soft laughter echoing "That was fun.."

Eyeless Jack~ I don't know what Jack did to me, but I need more now.. You thought to yourself, creeping up behind the middle aged woman in the dark. Jack had made you try a human kidney for the first time today, which wasn't too bad. The kidney itself was fine, but the blood, oh the blood. You needed more of it. The woman's heels clicked on the sidewalk in the dark, her shivering body trying to wrap her coat around her tighter. You chuckled, hatchet in hand, noticing nobody else was around in the dimly lit city. Suck a cold night, perfect for a warm beverage. You chuckled to yourself, watching her begin to swing her purse from side to side. The woman began to whistle a toon as you snuck up behind her, bringing the weapon into her back. She shrieked as you swung again, this time taking her head completely off. The body fell limply as you crouched to it, helping yourself to the warm, fresh blood. "I guess she didn't need all of this after all.." You chuckled softly, scooping up the liquid with both hands to drink.

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