When he gets jealous

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Slenderman~ You waited for Slender in the forest, he had just left to take care of a few things. You sat on the Earth's ground, looking at your bruises in your mirror. You heard a rustle in the bushes and looked up to see a boy with black hair and blue eyes emerge from them. "Hello." you greeted him, not wanting a fight. "Hey deary, do ya need anyone at the moment?" he asked. "What?" you asked confused. He came close to your face, to close. "I mean, someone big and strong to protect you from getting those ugly bruises." You looked down ashamed, when he was ripped up in the air "NO, she doesn't need you, she has me to protect her, and she is not ugly!" Slender's voice boomed through the forest as Slender through the boy at least 10 feet away from you. You smiled at Slender and gave him a kiss.

Jeff the killer~ Jeff sat with you on your bed while you were texting on your phone. You hadn't looked up from your phone all night, making Jeff both suspicious and feel rejected. After a few moments of texting you got up to use the bathroom. Once you left Jeff immediately went on your phone, already knowing the password. He went through your messages and saw a contact from a guy named Daniel. The last text was sent by you, it said "I missed you SO much, I can't wait to see you again!!" Jeff growled in anger as Daniel texted back. "I know I missed you too <3" Jeff threw the phone down as you came in "Jeff, what the hell is going on?!?" you asked. "NO, who is Daniel?!" Jeff asked. "My brother." you said as Jeff blushed with embarrassment. "Oh." he said "You weren't jealous, were you?" you teased, kissing him.

Ben Drowned~ You and Ben were at the local Gamestop, buying video games of course. After you picked out the games you wanted to buy, Ben said he would buy them for you and told you to wait outside the store. You waited outside happily, when you felt a soft tap on your shoulder. You spun around, thinking it was Ben you were about to kiss him. Until you realized it wasn't Ben. It was a boy with brown hair and a smirk. "Anxious are we? We just met, but i don't mind baby." the boy leaned in while you tried to push him away, but there was no need to. Ben came just in time and ripped the boy off of you. "If you ever touch her again, I'll kill you!" Ben screamed as the boy ran away. You hugged Ben sweetly for protecting you.

Eyeless Jack~ Jack kissed your cheek, his arm wrapped around you. You smiled at him lovingly as he hopped up. "I'll be right back." he said, leaving you at the lake. You smiled at yourself , looking into the crystal blue water, until a ripple broke your reflection. You looked up and saw a cute boy, a few years older than you, freckles sprinkled on his nose. "Why are ya all alone?" he asked as he skipped a rock. "I'm not, I'm waiting for my boyfriend." you said, looking away. "Hmm, well, maybe I could keep you company until he comes back, we could take a swim." he smirked. You opened your mouth to speak, but Jack's voice was there instead. "There's no need to, I'm back now so you can get away from my girl." the boy ran off, leaving you and Jack to cuddle more.

Laughing Jack~ You walked to Jack's carnival slowly, you weren't feeling to good today. You passed a boy with sparkling green eyes, selling candy in a booth on the sidewalk. "Hey sweetheart, here's a lolly for a cute little gumdrop like yourself." He said with a wink. "Thanks." you said uninterested as you put the candy in your mouth. You arrived at Jack's carnival as Jack noticed the candy. "Where'd you get that at?" he asked. "Some boy gave it to me." "For free?" Jack asked, starting to get angry. "Yeah, he said I was cute." you said, thinking Jack looked kinda hot when he was mad. Jack stomped down the sidewalk and found the boy. He grabbed him by the shirt and came face to face to him. "She is my sweetheart and only MINE!" Jack yelled, as you watched and blushed.

Masky~ Masky held your hand as you went to the bakery to pick some deserts. You looked really cute today, Masky loved the way you looked, but he didn't want anyone else to love how you looked either. You walked into the bakery and went to the cashier, and he was pretty cute. He had blonde hair and dark eyes. He took yours and Masky's order, sneaking many glances at you. Masky noticed but tried not to say anything. When the cashier smiled at you while giving your cash back and grabbed your hand a little, Masky snapped. "How dare you! Obviously I'm with her, I've wanted her for a long time now and I worked hard to win her over! If you ever even think about her ever again, I'll smash your skull in!" Masky took your hand and left while you smiled."I didn't know you felt that way." you chuckled.

Hoodie~ The sun shined on you as you pecked hoodie's cheek. You loved being at the park with hoodie, it was your favorite thing to do. You cuddled up next to him, when you felt someone grab your wrists. You looked up and saw your ex boyfriend that looked like a mess. He completely ignored hoodie and pulled you into a hug. "Baby, I miss you so much, please take me back." he pleaded. Hoodie ripped him off of you "Hey, she's mine! You've had your chance, she deserves to be treated like a princess, and I can do that just fine!" Hoodie didn't stutter once, and you blushed at what he said. Your ex ran off before hoodie yelled out "And if I ever see you again, you'll wish you never even met YN!" You kissed hoodie's lips. He stuttered out an apology but you told him it was fine.

Ticci Toby~ Toby knew you had a lot of guy friends, he tried to act like it was nothing, but he was afraid you would leave them. One day you were hanging out with your friend Eric, laughing like you always do. Little did you know Toby was watching you. You walked home with Eric before saying goodbye. You walked inside, seeing Toby on your couch looking rather depressed. "What's wrong Toby?" you asked. "Well, I...I just don't want you to leave me." Toby sighed. You smiled at him "Oh Toby, don't be jealous. I like you A LOT more than Eric." you said. Toby perked up instantly, "Really?" he asked. "Of course, that's why I said yes to you." you giggled. Toby rejoiced and kissed your cheek. "But if you ever hug Eric again I'll be having a VERY long talk with him." Toby added darkly.

Lost Silver~ Silver curled up next to you, watching you play Pokemon. You loved having Silver next to you, it always made you feel loved. Someone sent you a message through Pokemon, and you could tell it was a guy. The message said: "Are you alone tonight?" you sighed shaking your head. The guy sent you a few more perverted messages while Silver's anger increased. Finally, Silver sent a message to him. "Cut it out! She's taken and if you ever talk to her again, I"ll find you and beat the ever loving shit out of you!" You looked at Silver, shocked about what he sent. Silver huffed in anger and jealousy as you kissed his cheek, "Thank you Silvy, and you don't have to worry, I only want you not that creep." Silver blushed darkly "I-It was no problem."

Homicidal Liu/Sully~ Liu kissed your cheek as you sat on a bench outside a tiny boutique. You were having a great day with Liu, hopping around store to store. Liu stood up quickly "I'll be right back." he said walking into a store. After Liu left, a boy with blonde hair and dark blue eyes sat next to you. "Hey sugar, this seat taken?" he asked. "Um, kinda, my boyfriend was sitting there, but you can sit here for now." you explained looking down. "Oh, don't look away from me sugar." he said tilting your chin up. Finally Liu emerged from the store and saw his hands on you "GET OFF OF HER!" Sully exclaimed. The boy knew the famous Liu instantly. "Oh, your'e dating Dr. Jekyll and Mr. asshole huh?" Liu snapped and beat him off the bench before you took Liu's hand.

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