When you see him without his mask/ human form

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Slenderman~ You sat in the secret meadow Slender showed you, reading Dracula by Bram Stoker. You were waiting for Slender while you read, when you felt hands go over your eyes. You smiled as you felt lips on your's, assuming it was Slender you kissed back. When the kiss was over you opened your eyes to find someone other than Slender. It was a boy your age that was tall and pretty lean. He had pale, but human pale, skin and black neatly combed hair. He had tinted red eyes and a beautiful smile. "Who are you?" you asked. The boy grabbed your face and kissed you again. When he pulled away he rested his forehead on your's. "Don't you know your boyfriend when you see him." Slender's deep voice asked. Your eyes widened. "Slender! Why do you look like this?" you asked. "It's my human form dear." he replied. "Well, I like it." you giggled as he pulled you into yet another kiss.

Jeff the killer~ You were in Jeff's room, laying on his blood red bed sheets. He had his arm around you and his face buried in your hair. You loved cuddling, but you were getting bored. You skimmed Jeff's room, looking for something to do. Finally, you saw a cardboard with something written in black sharpie. It said "Old memories, open with caution." You jumped up and ran over to the box. Jeff noticed and kinda panicked "I don't think that's a good idea YN." he whispered as you moved the cardboard flaps. Inside were a few random objects, but what really caught your eye was an old yearbook picture of Jeff. He had choppy brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a happy face. He looked normal, and really cute. Underneath the picture was his name, Jeffrey Woods. "Awww Jeff you were SO CUTE!" you complimented. Jeff blushed "Put that away and come back here." Jeff told you.

Ben Drowned~ You waited at an arcade where Ben was supposed to meet you. Ben was a few minutes late, but you weren't mad. You knew he would be there shortly. You decided to play a few games while you waited, when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to find the cutest boy you've ever seen. He was your age and a little taller than you. He had blonde hair, green eyes, and freckles sprinkled on his nose. He gave you a smirk before holding your hips "Hey baby." he said leaning in. You slapped him before his lips could touch yours. "OW." he yelled holding his perfect cheek."I have a boyfriend, now let me go, before he comes and kicks your ass!" the boy chuckled. "I'd like to see him fight himself YN." in that moment you knew it was Ben and gave him a kiss. "I'm sorry Ben, by the way you look pretty cute." you said.

Eyeless Jack~ "AWWWWW come on Jack let me see what you look like!" you pleaded. You've been asking Jack to take off his mask for the last half an hour. "No." Jack replied. "Why not?" you whined. Jack sighed "Nah, I'll creep you out." Jack said sadly. "Jack, I'm dating a serial killer. NOTHING will creep me out." you told him warmly. "Fine." Jack sighed, removing his mask. He had a pale, almost ashy complection. His brown hair was pushed to the side and he had a row of lethally sharp teeth. Two dark, menacing, empty holes constructed his eyes. You were a little thrown off, you just stared at him wide eyed. "Are you scared?" Jack asked shakily. "NO! You look amazing!" you said as he blushed and tried to put his mask back on. "You don't have to wear that around me anymore." you said taking the mask away and kissing his pink, warm cheek.

Laughing Jack~ You walked in Jack's carnival in circles, trying to find him, You've been walking around for at least half an hour, when you heard a small chuckle. You wiped your head around to find Jack leaned against one of his booths. Except, he looked a little different. He didn't look scary. He had a smile, a human smile. He also had color, with red hair and bright blue eyes. He looked normal. "Jack, what did you do?!" you asked. Jack laughed a bit "Don't worry YN, this is just my human form." he chuckled. You laughed with him as he came towards you. "Do you like it?" he asked. "I love it!" you beamed. Jack let out a deep chuckle "Well I'm glad to hear that, I guess I'll have to do this more often." he said with a smirk before pressing his sweet lips on yours."Do I scare you in my natural form?" Jack asked. "No, I love you either way." you smiled up at him.

Masky~ You relaxed on your couch, waiting for Masky to come visit you. You were watching one of your favorite horror movies, and right when something popped out, someone grabbed your shoulders. You knew it had to be Masky, so you turned around and smiled at someone other than Masky. He was taller, and very handsome. He had messy brown hair and dark brown eyes. He smiled at you sweetly. You jumped off the couch and moved away so he couldn't touch you. The man gave you a confused look before gasping and covering his handsome face. "I'm so sorry!" he yelled, putting a mask on. You realized it was Masky "I know I'm hideous, I'm sorry I startled you." Masky sighed. You ran up to him and ripped his mask off before kissing him. "No! Masky you look amazing! I just didn't know who you were that's all." you said as he shot you a smile.

Hoodie~ Hoodie's warm gloved hand wraped around yours as you cuddled on a park bench. You loved when Hoodie would hold your hand, but you always wanted more. You wanted to feel his skin on yours. You were curious and slowly took his glove off, not wanting to startle him. He simply looked at you and allowed you to do it. Now you held his real hand, satisfied, until you thought about his face. You were silent for a while before you turned to him "Hoodie, why don't you take your mask off around me?" you asked. "W-well... I g-guess it's because you n-never asked m-me to take it o-off." Hoodie took his mask and hood off and revealed his dirty blonde hair, baby blue eyes, and a beautiful smile. You smiled back "You look nice." you complimented. "R-really?" he asked. You nodded at him before he nuzzled his unmasked face in your neck.

Ticci Toby~ Toby layed on the couch with you, holding your waist. You loved cuddling with Toby, your mind would always wonder what he looked like without his mouth guard and goggles though. You were half tempted as you slowly moved his mouth guard like you would kiss him. When you kissed him you closed your eyes and lifted it back up before you could see anything. This time you ripped it off to see the rest of his face and his soft lips. He smirked at you "Like what you see?" he asked. You giggled and nodded before taking the goggles off and seeing his light brown eyes. "You know, you don't have to wear all of this when you're around me." you smirked and kissed his lips. Toby smiled in the kiss before you pulled away and put his mouth guard back on.

Lost silver~ You waited in your room for Silver, playing Pokemon. You knew he would be there soon and you couldn't wait to see him. You thought about Silver until you felt arms wrap around your shoulders and against your chest. You were startled, knowing it couldn't be Silver because.. well.. he couldn't hold you. You turned around and saw Silver, but he was very different. He had normal pale skin, not a frostbitten blue. His black hair looked shiny and bouncy, not so brittle.The thing that amazed you most was that he had arms and legs. "Silver! What happened to yo-" Silver cut you off with a kiss, his lips were warm, not cold like they usually are. "T-this is my human form. Do y-you like it?" he asked nervously. "Silver, I like you no matter what form you're in." you replied before kissing his lips and pulling away. "I like that you can hold me." you whispered on his neck.

Homicidal Liu/ Sully~ You smiled, looking at Liu on your television screen. Liu popped in an old home video of him when he was a kid. And he looked adorable! Liu had his arm around your waist as you watched. Liu had the same brown hair and beautiful eyes, but he looked a lot happier. His face didn't carry so much sadness in it. He looked happy and normal. He had no scars at all, and it made you sad seeing Liu, at least the rest of Liu now that Sully's here, so sad. After the video you turned to Liu "You were so cute." you said. "Were?" Liu joked smiling. "Still are." you said tracing some of his scars. Liu noticed "Are you alright?" he asked. "Well, you were so happy... and now you're so sad.... I want to make you as happy as you were back then." you said looking down. he tilted your head up "Oh, but YN, you make me the happiest man in the world."

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