When you get road rage XD

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Slenderman~ Slender sat next to you in your car as you drove to a date. You were a little on edge, considering everyone on the road were being idiots today. So when someone was tailgating you, you were not in the mood. You smirked to yourself and slowed down even more, to the point you where you were at five miles per hour. Slender noticed how slow you were going and spoke up "Uh, darling,do you think we could go any faster?" he asked. You whipped around to him, a death glare placed upon your countenance "Not. Now. Slender." you growled. Slender stared back out the window, not wanting to mess with you. The guy behind you layed off as you and Slender arrived at your date thirty minutes after you planned it.

Jeff the killer~ You clutched the steering wheel, trying not to go off. You were a little pissed off, you were up at two in the morning driving Jeff to a victims house that was across town. So when someone in the lane next to you swerved close to you, you snapped. "Hey, watch where you're going asshole!" You shouted out your window. "Baby, I think you should, like, take a nap or something." Jeff suggested. "No, I don't need one." you argued back. Jeff rolled his eyes as you sat in silence again, your eyelids drooping. "Fine." you muttered, pulling over. Jeff chuckled as he took the front seat, you right next to him, dozing off. He kissed the top of your head, letting you rest.

Ben Drowned~ You and Ben were taking a ride in your car, happy as could be. Your window was rolled down, the sun on your face and the wind in your hair. You rolled up to a stop light where another car was in the the other lane. It was jam packed with a ton of reckless boys with music blaring out it. "Hey sweet thing, can I get your number?" a guy in the passenger asked. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. He did the same thing to you as the guy in the drivers seat began to roar his engine. You did the same thing as the light turned green. You put the pedal to the medal as Ben held onto his seat for dear life.

Eyeless Jack~ You and Jack were in your car, hands intertwined. You were driving to a date for you and Jack to go on, the only bad thing was that the city was crawling with people today. You drove into the parking lot of your destination and began to look for a spot to park. Right when you were about to pull in, a car zoomed past you and took your spot. "Oh hell no." you muttered to yourself, getting out of your car. "Here we go." Jack sighed, following after you. You argued with the passenger for some time when it began to get a little violent. But hey, you still got your spot.

Laughing Jack~ You changed the song on the radio with one hand, your other one tangled with Jack's. You and Jack were just taking a little ride, considering you didn't have anything better to do. You were happy in the car with Jack, when someone in the next lane sped up and swerved, almost hitting you. You hit your brakes and rolled down your window "Hey, watch where you're going!" You shouted. The driver heard you and did it again, just to piss you off. You growled and swerved to them, scaring Jack a little "Uh, maybe I should drive for a little?"

Masky~ You and Masky had went to the mall today, which wasn't the best idea. Being around large groups of people always put you on edge, and there were even more in the parking lot. You gripped the wheel, about to snap, when the car in front of you suddenly turned. "Nice turn signal asshole!" You shouted out the window. Masky didn't want to piss you off even more so he shut his mouth until you got on the less crowded freeway.

Hoodie~ Rush hour would normally suck for people, but today you had Hoodie with you. With Hoodie's hand in yours, you felt relaxed and happy. You leaned your head in your seat, when you heard a whistle. You looked beside you and saw a guy your age, eyes looked on your body. You irratably rolled your windows up, but it didn't help, he began to honk at you. You couldn't take it anymore, you asked Hoodie to take care of him, which he would have gladly done, but the rush hour was finally over.

Ticci Toby~ "Babe, I don't really feel like dying right now!" Toby shouted, clutching onto his seat. You ignored him and didn't slow down for a second. While you were on the road today some idot in a brand new Volkswagen thought he owned the road, causing a race between the two of you. You weren't afraid to pick up speed, but Toby sure was. You went 70 miles per hour for at least twenty minutes, scaring the hell out of Toby.

Lost Silver~ You and Silver were in your car, on your way to the movies with Silver occasinaly pecking your cheek. You loved how cute he was, until someone honked at you. It ticked you off, considering you were driving just fine. You honked back, which turned into an all out honking war on the road. You and the other car were the center of attention, embarrassing Silver. He buried his blushing face in his sweatshirt until you got to your date.

Homocidial Liu\Sully~ "Where the hell is it?!" You cried out. You had one hand on the steering wheel and a folded map in the other. You were trying to find a spot where you and Liu could go hiking but nothing like that was on the map. "Babe, I could try-" "No, I want to find something by myself for a change." You interrupted. You looked for another two hours before giving up and letting Liu drive.

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