The Wedding

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Sorry if the lenghs on some of the characters are different, I tried XD

Slenderman~ You took in a deep breath, staring at yourself in the mirror. You looked beautiful, your straight white dress didn't have a single wrinkle in it and your curled updo didn't have any frizz or flyaways. Everything was perfect, except for the panic racing through your mind. You were a little afraid of being married so soon. What if something went wrong, what if it wasn't the right time, what if- "Miss, they're ready for you." The wedding planner said, interrupting your thoughts. You clutched your roses and pulled the viel over your eyes. Your heart began to pound loudly as you entered the sanctuary of the church. The soft notes of a piano echoed through the entire building as people's voices began to hush. You took a deep breath and made your way down the isle, seeing Sally and your sister throwing down rose petals in front of you. You looked at the pews, seeing your friends and a few distant relatives. You saw most of the creepypasta's scattered around as well as Slender's proxies. But the most nerve racking of all the people were in the front row. Slender's three brothers and his mother, Sarah Lee. You ignored all the stares and joined Slenderman at the alter, anticipation building up inside you. Slender reached out and lifted the veil, holding himself back from giving you a kiss right then and there. An erie silence washed over the crowd for what felt like forever, when the pastor began to start. "Ladies and gentelmen, we are brought here today by the love of YN LN, and uh, Slenderman." The pastor dragged the ceremony out for as long as possible, making your legs fall asleep. You began to get really tired and bored, when you felt Slender's hands tighten. You looked back at him and smiled, making a blush shoot across his cheeks. After at least half an hour of standing there, the pastor asked you "YN, do you take Slenderman to be lovely wedded husband, through sickness and health, till death do you part?" You smiled wider and nodded "I do." "And Slenderman, do you take YN to be your lovely wedded wife, through sickness and health, till death do you part?" "I do." Slenderman said in his husky voice. "Then I know pronounce you man and wife, you my now kiss the bride." Slenderman pulled you close to him, giving you most loving kiss you've ever had. You felt a tear roll down your cheek as the crowd cheered. He pulled away and slipped a shining Diamond ring with tiny jewles lining the band on your finger. "This is only the begginning." He whispered, pulling you out of the church and towards the limousine, where you kissed and cuddled for the entire ride.

Jeff the Killer~ You smiled at your mother as she kissed your cheek one last time. "Are..are you sure you want to do this?" She asked, tears filling her eyes. You nodded "More than anything." She sighed "Okay, then I guess we should get going.." She whispered. The two of you rushed out of the salon where you were getting ready and into the limousine. Your heart began to beat so fast, you were positive that your mother could hear it. She sighed "I..I just want you to be happy. And if this is the only way, then I guess I can't stop you." She said with a half hearted smile. You nodded and continued looking out the window, thoughts swirling around your mind. The car stopped with a squeek in what felt like two seconds at the most. You felt giddy and nervous inside as you stepped out of the car. You could hear music playing and people chatting as you stood outside the entrance of the most beautiful garden in the state. Your mother squeezed your hand "Good luck." She said before going in. Suddenly you heard the crowd hush and the music become louder, letting you know it was time for you to come out. You took a deep breath and made your way down the isle. You could feel everybody's eyes on you as the smell of all different types of flowers assulted your nose. You met Jeff at the alter, his smile wider then ever before. He mouthed the word beautiful to you, making you blush a shade darker. The ceremony wasn't that interesting, and to be honest you zoned out on most of it until you had to say I do. Jeff smiled as he slid the black and red jewled wedding ring on your finger before kissing you with more love then you've ever felt. The crowd cheered as upbeat music began to play and the party began to start. You danced with Jeff for the entire time as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear. "You're mine now, forever." He whispered. You smiled at him and gave him a kiss "I love you so much."

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