When you meet another creepypasta

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Slenderman~ You and and Slender were in the woods, sitting under a tree with his arm around you, reading. You sat under the tree for at least seven minutes, when you felt Slender arise and softly kiss your cheek. "I'll be right back dear." he said, leaving you at the tree with your book. You smiled and kept reading for a little while longer when you felt another kiss on your cheek. You smiled and looked up, assuming it was Slender. But to your surprise, it wasn't Slender. All though, he did look like him. He was tall and no face, except for a wide smile lined with sharp teeth. He didn't have a shirt on, only a trench coat over his bare chest as well as a hat. He smiled and handed you a rose "How are you baby." he asked. You blushed and took the rose politely, not wanting to be rude. Suddenly, Slender came back, and he wasn't to happy. "Offender! What are you doing here?" he yelled. Offender's mouth stretched into a smile, touching your cheek "Oh, is this your girl?" he asked,with a smirk. Slender became furious and ripped him away from you, pulling him in the bushes for a little chat. You heard their muffled voices yell at each other for about three minutes until Slender came back. He held you close to him and whispered in your ear "You won't leave me for my brother, will you?" he asked. You smiled and kissed his cheek, shaking your head no.

Jeff the killer~ You fell on your bed, exhausted. It was about one in the morning, and you were tired as hell. You had been at your desk for at least four hours, studying for your science test the next morning. You got under your covers, yawning, and put your head on your pillow. After you moved around for a little bit, you were finally comfortable. You began to slowly drift off to sleep, when you heard nails scratching on your bedpost. You sat up quickly, wanting to know what made the sound. At the foot of your bed was the answer, there was what looked to be a starving man, his ribs shown through his sandpaper skin. He had long and lethal blood stained nails as well as black eyes sunken in his almost skeleton looking face. You screamed, terrified of the creature, making him pounce on you. He touched your neck with a single claw as you whimpered, but before he could slice your throat he was thrown against your fall wall by Jeff. They fought for a while, and even though the creature put up a good fight, Jeff still won. The creature crawled out of your window before turning to you and giving you a sinister smile that made shivers go down your spine. Jeff lied in your bed next to you,letting you fall asleep in his arms and feel protected for the rest of the night.

Ben Drowned~ Ben had taken you to the creepypasta mansion one day, wanting you to meet what he called his family. You walked through the front door, admiring the mansion's size. Ben took you upstairs to meet a few of his friends, but somebody was leaned up against the post at the top of the steps. He had pale, pasty skin as well as long raven black hair. He wore a white, bloodstained hoodie and black skinny jeans, with a smile cut into his skin. His forever staring eyes looked down at his scarred hands, sharping a large butcher knife. He heard you and Ben coming up the stairs and looked up from his blades, looking into your eyes instead. His smile turned wider in an almost ominous way, causing you to shudder. The boy laughed deliriously at your reaction, pissing Ben off "Cut it out Jeff." Ben snapped, pulling you closer. Jeff hopped off of the post and came closer to the both of you "Make me." he dared in a raspy voice. Ben rolled his eyes and nudged past him, pulling you along with him. Ben showed you the rest of the people at the mansion, and you liked all of his family, except for Jeff.

Eyeless Jack~ You and Jack were in your bedroom, cuddling on your mattress. You smiled as you were wrapped up in Jack's arms, watching a movie, when he had to use the bathroom. He got up and excused himself as he left the room. You leaned back on your bed, waiting for Jack and staring out the window. Dusk had come and the sun was beginning to set as you looked out the aperture, but you could make something out in the distance of your yard. You squinted as it came closer, you realizing it was a man. He wore an orange-beige hoodie and jeans, a black ski mask with red eyes and mouth stitched on it. You clutched your bed sheets, a little scared of the man outside your window, when Jack came in your room. He noticed the guy outside your window and your terrified face "Hey, don't worry, that's just Hoodie." Jack said,giving him a small wave. Hoodie waved back and ran in the direction in which he had came. You thought Hoodie seemed nice as Jack came back to cuddle you again.

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