When you have your baby!

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Slenderman~ Victor had came out healthy, well at least you thought he was healthy. He was born with dark hair and pale skin, just like his father. He also had your eyes..or eye I should say. Victor was born with only one eye, considering he was Slenderman's child. You were lucky that he was born with a face at all! The doctors were extremely worried, confused about how a baby could only be born with one eye, the other side covered with smooth skin. Slenderman shooed the doctors away, telling them that Victor was perfectly normal as you gazed down at your perfect little boy.

Jeff the Killer~ Roxanne hurt worse than anything you've ever felt before, she had her feet come out first instead of her head. She had raven black hair and your skin tone, as well as your eyes. You could already tell by looking at her that she would have a beautiful smile. She was born with dimples sunken deep into the sides of her cheeks, making her look even more adorable. Although, there was one thing you could have found out from the doctor if Jeff hadn't had cut him off the other day. Roxanne was born deaf.

Ben Drowned~ You clawed at Ben's hand as you pushed, moaning and screaming as Oliver came out. He didn't cry too much, only a few sobs escaped him before he went silent. He was perfectly healthy, the doctors had said, except for one thing. His ears. He was born with tiny elf ears poking through his blonde hair. One nurse said it was abnormal and suggested the thought of having them surgically fixed, but you absolutely loved them. He had pale white skin and your color of eyes, staring up at you with one tiny hand wrapped around your thumb.

Eyeless Jack~ Jasper and Collete came out..different. You thought they were fine, but every member of the staff at the hospital were a little terrified. As everyone knows, baby's are not born with teeth. They begin to grow once they become infants. Not these two. Both Jasper and Collete had sets of tiny, pointed teeth, resembling the mouth of a piranha. Jasper had your eyes while Collete's pupils were pure black. Both of the babies had your skin tone as their hair was a chocolate brown like their father's. You held both of the twins lovingly as Jack tried to push all of the doctors out of your room.

Laughing Jack~ Luna was different in a sense, strange and creepy, but she was absolutely beautiful. She was born monochrome, her skin gray and her hair black. She was completely black and white, except for her piercing blue eyes. Coming out of your womb, she did not cry, but only giggled instead. It did sound like something out of a horror movie, which was just your style. A happy, cute little girl who, Jack said, would be getting her a striped nose cone soon. Luna Marie was perfect addition to your family.

Masky~ Masky understood how much child birth hurt, therefore it did not bother him when you squeezed his hand so hard that it left marks. Isaiah was a sad baby, he would not stop crying. He seemed to be depressed, as if weren't meant to be here. He was special. In all, he was a beautiful boy. He had chestnut brown hair and forest green eyes, his skin tone the same as yours. One thing about him although did look happy, and that was his blushing, chubby cheeks.

Hoodie~ Rosalie and Evelyn were adorable, from the time they were born you knew that they already were best friends. Rosalie had dark blonde hair, while Evelyn's hair was a light brown. They both had your eyes and faces that looked just how you would picture an angel's would look like. Although, there was one thing about Evelyn. Unfortunately, she was born mute. You knew it was going to be a hard transition for her in life, but with the help of Hoodie and her sister, you knew she could get through it.

Ticci Toby~ Delilah was born at three in the morning, a perfect time to have a baby. Her dark brown hair and sunken in cheekbones made her have a face anyone could remember. Although Delilah looked very sweet and very normal, the doctors had informed you that she had passed on Toby's syndrome, turrets. It made you a little disappointed, but you knew that Delilah would be fine. You've already loved one person with turrets, one more wouldn't hurt.

Lost Silver~ "What is wrong with that baby?!" A nurse screeched, looking down at Felix. Felix looked like a normal baby boy, pale white skin, jet black hair, all four limbs attached. Everything was fine, except for his eyes. Felix had inherited Silver's black and crimson eyes. The baby instantly began to cry before Silver took the nurse into the hallway for a little "chat", telling her that your baby was just fine before making sure she would never say something like that ever again.

Homicidal Liu/Sully~ All three of the female triplets had the same face and face structure, but different features. Delaney had blue eyes, Amelia had green eyes, and River had one of each. All three girls had auburn brown hair and distinct scars across their left cheeks, which was a little strange. All of them were adorable, giggling softly to each other before crawling onto your's and Liu's chests.

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