2 month anniversary <3

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Slenderman~ "Slender, where are we going?" you asked. Today was yours and Slender's two month anniversary, you were dressed up for him and he loved the dress you were in. You were in his arms and being carried by him while wearing a blindfold. "Oh don't worry darling,you'll see soon." he said. You sighed and snuggled closer to his chest. Slender carried you for another four minutes when you felt him stop and put you down. Slender kissed your lips sweetly as he took your blindfold off. You looked around to see that you were under the same tree you and Slender met under, the moment Slender saw your bruises and beauty. You looked up and smiled at him as he looked back down at you thoughtfully "Do you remember this?" he asked. "Of course I do!" you said, throwing your arms around him. Slender smiled as you pulled away and Slender took a small knife out of his pocket. He held the handle as you wrapped your hand around his. Together you both carved a small heart into the tree as well the two of your names inside it. You looked up at Slender and blushed as he bent down and gave you another kiss. He pulled away and rested his forehead on yours before saying "YN, I adore you, I burn for you, I'm mad about you. You are the love of my life and I could never imagine anybody else for me than you, and I believe this will not be our last anniversary." he said on your lips, holding you by your waist for the rest of the night.

Jeff the killer~ You were furious. Today was yours and Jeff's anniversary and he hadn't talked to you all day. It sounds cliche, but you were kind of hoping to go on a date and feel loved by him today, yet he hadn't shown up at all. You decided to go for a drive, something you always do when you're angry, and blasted the radio loud. You listened to the music, it was starting to relax you, when the dj interrupted. "Hey hey hey, your listening to this weeks hottest tunes..." "Yeah, shut the hell yeah up I know what I'm listening to." you said annoyed, about to change the station, when the dj said again "We've got Jeffrey Woods here wanting to make a shout out to his girl YN, lets hope she's listening." your jaw dropped as you heard Jeff's voice on the radio "Hi YN, it's Jeff. I wanted to say happy anniversary and I love you, my feelings are overwhelming for you and no one other than you matters to me, I'll be home soon." The dj cut him off as you begin to cry, speeding home. Once you were there you saw Jeff on your couch and you jumped on top of him, almost making the both of you flipped over. You clutched onto his shirt and kissed him passionately. Once you pulled away, gasping for air, Jeff touched your face lovingly. "I'm sorry we didn't talk all day, I just wanted it to be a surprise." he said. You snuggled into his chest "It's okay." you reassured. "And I did mean everything I said." he whispered.

Ben Drowned~ It was about seven thirty at night and Ben hadn't come to take you to your anniversary date yet. He was supposed to come by at six but you weren't mad, maybe he was just running late. You went to your room and started to play your favorite video game, when your door was flung open. You looked up to see Ben, he was breathing heavily and had a dozen roses in his hand. He ran up to you and pulled your face up, planting a sweet and passionate kiss on your lips. "I'm so so so so sorry I'm late, I.. I don't know how to make it up to you but I will I promise-" you cut him with another kiss. "Don't worry I'm not mad." you smiled. Ben smiled back and look down you, eyes going wide about how nice you looked in your dress. You smirked "Like what you see?" you asked. Ben blushed and ignored your comment, pulling you into your game console. You looked around to see a beautiful, sparkling lake with a small rowboat, only big enough for two. You and Ben got in and rowed into the middle of the lake. The glitter of the stars pressed through the heavy dark clouds, the moon shining light on the both of you, almost like the spotlight in a high school play. You turned to Ben to see him staring at you, making you wonder why "YN, I savor every moment I have with you, I'm crazy about you. I love you, please believe me when I say that." he whispered, softly brushing his lips on yours.

Eyeless Jack~ You woke up and immediately remembered your anniversary. You didn't want to admit it, but you kind of forgot, and was hoping that Jack had something planed. You sat up and to your surprise there was a gift and a note on your bed. You took the note and it read "Good morning baby, happy anniversary. I hope you enjoy your gift and make sure to where it on our date tonight." On the back was the address to your date. You smiled and opened the gift, seeing that it was a beautiful short dark blue dress with a layer of black lace over the skirt and a black band around the waist. You smiled at the dress and couldn't wait for your date. You spent the entire day getting ready for your date which was at six. When you were finished you had your hair soft and straight as well as your dress on. You went to the address Jack told you and saw it was a very expensive restaurant you always wanted to try. You went inside and saw Jack sitting at one of the tables. You smiled and sat across from him "I knew you would look beautiful in that." he said. You blushed and thanked him as the waiter came by. Jack ordered for you and smiled as he got something he knew you liked. You looked back at Jack as he grabbed your hand from across the table "I need you more than anything YN, you're my everything, I love you." he said. You smiled back at him "I love you too."

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