When he almost dies (his pov) part 2!!!!!

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Laughing Jack~ My grin widened as I heard the gate to my carnival creak open. I new it had to be a new victim, YN was sick at home. Arising from the dirt I was once sitting on, I moved across my worn tent and lifted the tattered red flap to see who it was. To my surprise, there were four people, a family, consisting of two naive little girls, an affectionate mother, and an overbearing father. This was going to be tricky, I had a feeling that the father may get on my way. I'll just have to take him out first, then the others, one by one. I smiled wider and approached them, making sure to use enthusiasm. "Ah, look what we have here, visitors! I've been waiting very long for someone to join in on my fun!" I grinned from ear to ear. I pulled out four candies for each of the victims, their faces lighting up. Each of them took it willingly as I led them to a row of games. I watched as the girls and the mother began to play, the father admiring his girls from behind.

'Now's my chance.' I thought to myself. I approached the father with a buoyant chuckle. "Sir, would you like to take a look at my new tent? You'd be the first one to ever lay eyes on it!" I exclaimed. The mans eyes went as wide as the moon with excitement. "It would be my pleasure!" He bellowed. I chuckled darkley and led him to my red 'torture tent'. Moving the flap for the man to enter, I began to think of what I would do to him. Maybe a hammer to the knee joints or pilers to his teeth. But I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by an astonished gasp. I looked up to see that I forgot to put away past victims bodies or the instruments I used on them. The man was smart enough to know what was happening, and before I knew it he hoisted a near by wrentch. He raised it above his head before crashing it down on mine. I immedently began to feel woozy as my legs carried me out of the tent, through the carnival gate, and down the crowed street. I began to feel a warm, thick liquid run down my face. I picked up the pace once I could see YN's house, but it was soon replaced with pure darkness once I reached her front yard. ***Time Skip** I began to feel someones fingers through my hair as well as a damp object placed on my head. I pried my eyes open to see my perfect YN, her loveable face drenched in tears. I reached my hand out and touched her wet cheek, causing her to open her eyes. A smile played upon her lips as she threw her arms around my neck. "I-I was so scared..." She croaked out. I pulled her face close to mine "You don't have to be.." I assured her as she leaned in for a gentle peck.

Masky~ My shoes crunched on decayed leaves as I searched for Slender's victim in the extravagent , shuddersome timberland. A sigh escaped my lips as I gazed upon the endless notes posted on the trees. These days get awfully boring, climbing limbs of towering trees and waiting to pounce on innocent people before taking their lives. I made my way up one tree, almost in a haze, used to the same day by day procedure. Once I was at least seven feet off the ground I made myself comfortable on a limb. My hand went to my pocket as I pulled out my rock, feeling the smooth granite. I looked at the woodland area, examining every inch of it, seeing if there were any victims close. Nobody was around for miles, leaving only me and my thoughts. I leaned my head back on the tree, thinking of YN. I couldn't wait until I was finished with work, couldn't wait to hold her in my arms. I began to think of her face, every perfect feature of her. Her eyes, hair, smile, touch, kiss. Now that's what makes me even more excited for her. I couldn't help it, I began to daydream about her, it felt almost like she was already here, her lips placed on mine, hands intertwined. I was so out of it, I couldn't think straight. I felt my masked cheeks begin to heat up when I began to think of the way she feels against me, her hips swinging from side to side and her desirable neck that I always want to put my lips on. My face got even hotter, when I heard a terrified scream that could be heard from the other end of the woods. It startled me so much, I jerked upwards, causing me to lose my balance. My heart filled with panic and worry as branches flew past me,until I fell to the compressed forest floor. ***Time Skip*** When I was finally able to wake up, I was still on the ground, but with a blanket covering my body. I looked down at seeing YN asleep on my chest, her makeup runny from tears. I touched her face gently, causing her to stir. She looked up at me, her tear ducts beginning to swell up again. "Masky!" She squealed in delight before squeezing me tightley. She began to cry harder "I thought I l-lost you." She whimpered. I wiped away her tears "But you didnt." I said as she pressed her lips on mine, making my daydreams come true.

Hoodie~ I honestly didn't want to be here right now, all I wanted to do was go home and cuddle YN. But instead I was at the park, wandering around and waiting for a victim to come along. I sat on the same wooden bench YN and I sit on almost everyday. I tapped my foot as my gloved hand tightend around the rusted copper pipe. Finches flew to the black top and  began to sing their sweet melody as a slight breeze rustled the flourishing grass. I smiled at the irony, such a unpresumptuous day yet such a beastly thing to be done. I heard sneakers smack on the cement, letting me know it was time. I got up to run to a hiding spot, but the victim was to close. I knew he had already seen me, so it was just best to kill him now. I ran towards him, my pipe embossed as surprise spread across his face. He stopped dead in his tracks as I ran even faster. Once I was a foot away from him he slipped his hand into his pocket, and I knew something bad was about to happen. I swung the pipe at him, and before I knew it he ducked. He popped back up and opened the blade of his pocket knife, jabbing it into my gut. Pain shot through my body as he ran, blood seeping through my hoodie. I let out a jagged breath and fell to the ground, feeling the sunlight engulf me. ***Time Skip*** The feeling of a tiny hand wrapped around mine and delicate fingers on my cheek awoke me. I  looked around to see I was in my room, YN at the side of my bed, her adorable face replaced with a worried one. Her eyes were glazed with tears, making me squeeze her hand. She looked at me, tears spilling as well as a nervous smile making an appearance. "Hoodie! You're alive! I thought..I thought you were..d-dead." She admitted, sadness in her voice. I kissed her hand "N-No, I couldn't d-die, I have t-to b-be h-here, with y-y-you." I said with a smile. She nodded and smiled, climbing in bed with me and rubbing the stitches on my stomach.

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