When you get closer

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Slenderman~ Ever since you met Slender in the woods, you have become rather close. You met every day in the dark woods and would either sit in the large branches and talk to him, or you would sit next to him in the green meadow hidden in the folds of the forest and just read for hours. You enjoyed Slender's company and how he cared about you. Slender walked you home every night, and he would always ask you if you wanted him to come in and take care of your father for you. You would always blush and shake your head no.

Jeff the killer~ When you first met Jeff you became a little paranoid. But by the third visit from him, you weren't that scared anymore. No, instead you and Jeff were friends. Jeff would come in your room late at night, you were already awake. He would sit on your bed with you and you would talk about your day, mostly about the bullies. He would always listen, but you could tell that it made him angry. You would also listen to music together before you fell asleep. By two in the morning Jeff would let you sleep and tuck you in.

Ben drowned~ You thought Ben was cool from the moment you met him. He helped you a lot and would always make you feel a little less scared. Ben would visit you every day after school and left in the early hours of the morning. You would play video games with him nonstop until he left, mostly Majora's Mask. He would make pervy jokes from time to time, some involving you. You didn't mind though, you laughed them off and tried to hide your blush. After Ben left at night, you would always think about him being more than a friend.

Eyeless Jack~ The next night after the incident with Jack, he came and apologized to you. You thought his apology was very sweet, but shook it off like it was no big deal. Jack promised to make it up to you by visiting you every night, and you liked the deal very much. Jack would talk to you about your days. Most of the time Jack would beg you to sing again, but you would shake your head frantically, saying you were way to embarrassed to sing for him. You loved having Jack over, he was the best friend you could ever have.

Laughing Jack~ You visited Jack at his carnival every day. He made you feel happy and would make you smile every time you were with him. Jack would play every game with you and give you all the candy he had. You rode every ride with him and he let the carnival stay open as late as you wanted. Jack would make a lot of jokes for you, making your laugh reign through the entire carnival. When it got to late Jack would walk you home, his hand would always get as close as possible to yours.

Masky~ Masky found your house from watching you walk home the night you met and would visit you after you came home from school. You liked having him over, he would always make you happy. You were a little confused about why he would care about you, but accepted his friendship anyways. Masky would ask you how you were and how your day went. He would secretly check your arms for any markings. He was also very funny, he would always make you smile. Before he left for the night he would give you a hug.

Hoodie~ You went to the park every day, in hopes of finding hoodie. You would always find him in either the woods or the swings You loved the way he stuttered, you thought he was very cute. Hoodie was very shy and sweet to you, but whenever your ex boyfriend came to the park, he became bitter and overprotective. You loved this about him. If your ex would ever try to talk to you, hoodie would either tell him to go away or he would make him. You loved how much hoodie would care about you.

Ticci Toby~ Just like Toby promised, he took you to eat pancakes with him. You liked Toby a lot, he liked pancakes as much, maybe even more then you. He was very funny and a little hyper, but you didn't mind. You liked hanging out with Toby, and he was protective over you since the night he saved you. Toby would swing by your house every chance he got and was a great friend to you. You would always invite him inside and he would even take his mouthguard off around you, not to mention he let you keep his jacket.

Lost Silver~ Silver was very shy around you. But you liked it, he was your best friend. Silver would visit you every day through your Pokeman games. He would play with you ALL the time, since it was both of your guy's favorite hobby. Silver would also ask you how you were every day, and since he couldn't grab them, he always asked to see your wrists. He was always pleased since the only marks that were there were the ones from when you first met. Before he left Silver would nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck.

Homicidal Liu~ You texted Liu late that night after seeing your brother. Liu was very kind to you and told you that your brother would get better. He also made you feel better and a lot more happy. Liu also told you about Sully, and he was very embarrassed by his actions. You told Liu that you thought he was a great person and you liked him the way he was. You always texted Liu until late at night and talked in person three times a week. You loved talking to Liu, and you always wished you could see him more.

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