When he gets sick

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Slenderman~ You walked up to Slender's room, excited to see him. You opened the door "Slender I'm here!" you beamed cheerfully. Slender groaned at you. "What's wrong?" "I'm sick.." Slender croaked. You slid in bed next to him and wrapped your arms around his torso. "I'm sorry darling." you said, your tiny frame next to his long one. You spent the rest of the day feeling the rise and fall of his chest as he slept.

Jeff the killer~ You woke up to find Jeff sleeping next to you in bed, not looking to great. "Jeff are you alright?" you asked. "Noooooo." Jeff whined. What's up?" you asked, scooting closer. "I feel like I'm dyinggggg." Jeff moaned holding his stomach. You knew that he was sick by now. You sighed slightly "Don't worry, you'll be fine by tomorrow. But until then you can stay here with me." You cheered him up and snuggled next to him.

Ben Drowned~ Ben cuddled next to you, wanting some attention. "YNNN I'm sick." He groaned. "I'm sorry baby. What doesn't feel good?" You asked. "Everything." He mumbled. "Ahh, don't worry baby, it'll go away soon." You said, kissing his cheek. Ben smiled at you "I feel better already." he said leaning in for another kiss. You gave him it than stood up to put a video game in for you guys to play.

Eyeless Jack~ Jack climbed through your window and landed on the floor with a deafening thud. He didn't get up for a long time, making you wonder why "Jack, what's wrong?" you asked. "I have the worst headache ever." Jack sighed. You pulled him on the bed as best as you could and went to get him some pain killers. Jack took them and for the rest of the day you rested your head on his chest, listening to Jack say he wanted kidneys.

Laughing Jack~ You were about to leave to go to Jack's carnival, until you heard someone come through your front door. You went downstairs to see Jack face planted on your couch. "Jack, what are you doing?" you asked. Jack groaned at you. "I think I ate one too many candies." he answered. You got him some soda to relax his stomach and put in a movie before Jack layed his head on your shoulder.

Masky~ You were in your room, waiting for Masky to come visit you. After a while he came in your room and sat in bed next to you. "Hi Masky!" you greeted. You could here his teeth chattering. "What's wrong?" you asked. "I caught a cold." He said curling up next to your warm body. You cuddled next to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. Masky smiled and fell asleep in your arms.

Hoodie~ You were in your bedroom, listening to music, when Hoodie came in. "Hi sweetie." you greeted. Hoodie only waved at you. "What's up?" you asked. Hoodie pointed to his throat. You could tell he lost his voice. You went to the kitchen and made him some tea. It helped clear it up a little and Hoodie nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. Hoodie could talk the next day, which made the both of you happy.

Ticci Toby~ Toby wasn't talking to you all day today, making you wonder why. "Toby why aren't you talking?" you asked. Toby sighed "I have a sore throat. " he croaked out. You went to the bathroom and got some cough syrup before sitting on him. "No, I'm not drinking that!" Toby struggled with you for a while before you finally forced it down. Once he drank it he felt better immediately.

Lost Silver~ You didn't think Silver could get sick, him being a ghost and all. But that was the exact opposite. Silver got the stomach flu pretty bad today, and you decided to care for him. You gave him medicine and everything he needed for the day. You also entertained him, all day you talked about random things. When Silver got tired you let him rest his head in your lap, making him happy and blush when he woke up.

Homicidal Liu/ Sully~ "BABY I'M SICK." Sully called out from your couch. You went to your living room to see Liu laying down, holding his head. "What do you have?" you asked. "A terrible headache, I can't even stand." He said rolling off the couch. You giggled and helped him up before getting him some medicine. "Better now?" you asked. Liu nodded, pulling you on his lap and giving you a kiss.

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