The baby's personality and future form

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AN~ Just so you guys know, all of the children ARE infants!!! We are not having a little time skip right now, I am skipping ahead to the future a little bit for this chapter so that you can understand what the children are like. After this chapter, we WILL be going back to them being infants!!

Slenderman~ Victor is quiet mature, he'd been that way since birth. He never really interacted with Sally or your sister, he always kept to himself and did his own thing. He did not pick up on yours or Slender's love for reading, he felt as though it was pointless. Although, he did have a passion for nature. Slenderman would often take him for walks in the lush forest, teaching Victor about all the different types of plants and trees. In school, it was hard for him to make friends. It wasn't like he was getting bullied, he just found it easier to connect with his father. Homework was also hard for him, considering he only had one eye which made it difficult to see the board. For the most part, Victor enjoyed day dreaming, inventing new things and ideas, and studying plants. Once Victor got older, he grew his dark hair out to push it to the side, hiding his missing eye. He grew taller than you and became fairly muscular and strong. He always dressed nicely, and worked hard for respect.

Jeff the Killer~ Roxanne had always been talented ever since she was young. She was unable to hear music, listen to comedy specials, and it was quiet difficult for her to watch television or films. Therefore, she challenged her energy into something else. She picked up on other things like poetry and painting, making her have a different perspective about life in general. Friends were easily made for her, she was almost like a magnetic who attracted new people. School was boring, she always seemed to get her work done right on time. She always cut her hair short, the ends stopping at her ear lobes. In her teenage years, she became quiet rebellious and angry at the world for making her deaf, she got many tattoos and piercings as well as a new attitude. She continued to draw and write, using it as an outlet to show the world her true potential. Friends came and went for Roxanne, but it didn't phase her, nothing ever seemed to. She was strong. She ultimately went by Roxy, and never let anyone push her around.

Ben Drowned~ Oliver was quiet the intellect, this was plain to see. He was, in a sense, a total nerd. He read almost every book imaginable, saying that video games were a complete waste of time. It broke Ben's heart at first, but he quickly got over it. Oliver was smart, sarcastic, and blunt. He was never afraid to get straight to the point. School was incredibly easy for him, he always had straight A's and was referred to as the "teacher's pet". Friends were a nuisance to Oliver, people annoyed him. He much rather preferred the characters in his book. Once he got older, he grew taller than you and Ben combined. His blonde hair turned wavy over time and was always swept over his forehead in a messy fashion. Oliver inherited eyeglasses for terrible vision, which did not look bad on him, and he got his ears pierced as a teenager. He was a total momma's boy, he was over protective of you and would kiss your cheeks often. He was close to both you and Ben, but liked to spend most of his time in his bedroom.

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