When you move in together (Part 2!!!)

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Laughing Jack~ "Hahahahaha, Jack stop!! Hahaha" you wailed while your feet attempted to kick Jack in his stomach. You were laying on his multicolored bed, trying your best to escape his tickles. He chuckled as you hysterically continued to laugh. "Never!" Jack insisted, putting his soft lips to your stomach and blew a raspberry. You laughed harder as Jack picked you up and threw your legs around his waist. You put your arms around his neck and rested your forehead on his. A toothy grin formed on Jack's face as he looked into your eyes. You smiled back and kissed his sweet lips, loving the way they felt on yours. He pulled away quickly, a frown already placed upon his lips. "Whats wrong love?" You asked. "I don't want you to leave its no fun without you here." Jack pouted. You smiled and kissed his nose "Then I guess I'll just never leave." You cheerfully said. Jacks face instantly brightened up, leaving you with no other descion then to move in, which you had no problem doing.

Masky~ Masky had taken you to the mall today, wanting to by you new clothes. You thought it was sweet and made sure he knew how sweet he was. You went in a few of the stores together and picked out a couple of dresses you could wear on your dates. Masky watched as you tried all of them on, making him smile when he saw you in them. After you picked a few out you went to the register, where a few room decors were laid out. You and Masky began to look at them, when he picked up a cute little skull jewlery holder. "You like this one princess?" He asked. You blushed and nodded, causing him to kiss your heated cheek. "I'll get it for you, besides I'm sure it'll look nice in our room." He added. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow, causing him to grin. "Well, I wanted it to be a surprise..but I guess I should tell you. Hoodie is actually moving your stuff into my room, I just wanted to be closer to you.." He said. You smiled widely and pressed your lips on his "I would love to share a room." You said, smiling with excitement.

Hoodie~ A beautiful assembly line of dreams marched through your head as Hoodie's arms comfortably wrapped around you. Hoodie was spending the night at your house after having a very tiring day with Masky and Toby. You were deep into sleep when Hoodie jerked you awake. "B-babydoll, p-please c-c-come with me?" He pleaded. You looked at him confused for a minute "What are you talking about?" You asked. "I c-can't take the noise, b-but I h-have t-troubles sleeping without y-you, c-can't w-we p-please go to my p-place?" He questioned. You stopped and listened for a minute, hearing all the racket your family was making in the other room. You smiled and kissed Hoodie's cheek, nodding. Hoodie smiled and shot up, beginning to pack a couple of bags to hold your things. "Hoodie, what are you doing?" You asked. "Y-you didn't t-think I w-would l-let y-you spend only t-tonight with m-me d-did you?" He asked. You chuckled and helped him pack the rest of your things, making you extremely excited about moving in with him.

Ticci Toby~ "Toby...let go of me!" You yelled, struggling to get out of his arms. "No, you're staying here..I don't like being without you!" Toby contradicted, hugging you tighter to his body. "Toby I swear if you don't let go of me I...I'll... I don't know what I'll do yet but..just let me go already!" You were attempting to leave Toby's bedroom but he just wouldn't let you leave, he didn't want you to go home. "You can see me tomorrow, I promise you can visit tomorrow!" You yelled, pushing on his shoulders. "I don't want you tomorrow I want you now." Toby pouted putting his face in the crook of your neck. You sighed, still struggling. "Oh please Toby come on I have to get home." You said. Toby threw you off his lap and underneath you on the bed "Why can't this be your home?" He asked, a pleading look spread across his face. You were silent for a minute, thinking, before you sighed "Fine, if it'll make you happy." You said with defeat. "Yayyy!!!" Toby cheered, flooding your face with at least fifty kisses.

Lost Silver~ "N-no, we're leaving n-now." Silver softly whispered, continuing to pack your things. "But Silvey I-" "N-No buts, this was the last straw." He said. Your parents never appreciated you and that was clear to see, but once your dad smacked you across the face Silver was fed up. "I can't just leave." You said. "Y-yes you c-can, I know how y-you're father f-feels about y-you he doesn't g-give a s-shit about you, y-you're leaving with me." Silver insisted. Your cheek was still burning as he kissed it "I can't see my pretty little girl go through this. I love you and I want the best for you." He said firmly without a single stutter or quiver in his voice. Your hugged Silver tightly as he kissed your head. "C-come on, I'm g-gonna move y-you into my r-room with me." Silver said excitedly with a big smile as you hoped out the window with your bags.

Homicidal Liu/Sully~ "What do you *hic* mean you didn't *hic* pay the rent!" Your mother furiously screamed at you. "Hey that is not MY responsibility!" You argued back. Your sloppy drunk of a mother apparently didn't know the rent was due in your roach infested apartment, causing an all out war between you both as the landlord began to move your stuff out into the hallway. "Well *hic* where are we *hic* suppose to live now!?" She screamed, taking another swig from her wine bottle. "I don't know where you're living miss, but I'm taking YN with me." You heard a husky voice say. You looked up to see Liu, a blissful look in his eyes. He began to bag all your stuff up as your mother silently watched. "Oh, so that's how's its going to be huh? What a selfish girl I've raised.." She muttered as Liu began to carry your stuff to his house. Once you were out of your mother's site you grabbed him by his jacket and kissed him passionately. "Thank you so much." You whispered. Liu smiled and grabbed your chin "It's the least I could do for you beautiful."

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