When you go into the hospital (Part 2!!!!)

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Masky~ You were walking home from school/work on a chilly day, making you hold your hoodie close to your freezing torso. The dark sky began to set, making you walk a little faster. You just wanted to see Masky and be in your warm, relaxing bed. Your sneakers hurried down the grime sidewalk, before a pair of arms ripped you back. You looked up at two boys from your school, Eli and Luke, who loved for torturing you. "What do you want?" You spat. Eli smiled "Haven't seen you around for a while.." He muttered. You rolled your eyes "Yeah, that was kinda the point. Luke laughed menacingly and gripped your shirt tighter and through you against the wall of the closet building. Darkness loomed over you as you felt your head against the glass of a window. " Nobody's here to save you sweetheart." He grinned before kissing your neck. You began to give a look of disgust before trying your best to push Luke away. Eli snickered "I guess she's not looking for that type of fun tonight.." Luke agreed before shoving you against the glass, hearing it crunch under your skull. Eli inched closer before punching you in the stomach. You wailed as he grabbed your neck "Could've been easier baby." He growled through his teeth. Luke kissed your neck again before sirens were heard. Eli gave him a panicked look before pushing you through the glass, making your entire body scream of pain before sleep took over you. Time Skip. You groaned and felt your aching body beg to be held. Soft lips were on your forehead and water dripped off your nose, making you look up. You saw Masky's crying face kissing your head, making you worry. He never cried like this. You tugged his arm gentley, making him snap out of it. He wipped his tears quickly, embarrassed, before kissing you over and over again. "I love you so much." He whispered. You smiled "I love you too.." His smile slowly turned into a scowl "Don't ever worry about those boys ever again, Hoodie's making sure they're going through more tortue then they ever have in their entire, pathetic lives." He hissed before cuddling you in the cot.

Hoodie~ You were waiting for Hoodie at your favorite coffee shop, sipping your tea. You smiled and looked out the window, the sky a brilliant blue with sweet, clean air. It was a perfect day for you in Hoodie to sit in this booth, except for one thing. The man sitting at the table a few feet away. He was an older man with a bushy white beard and beige bucket hat covering most of his face, except for those staring, empty black eyes. You shuddered and took another sip, your thoughts torturing your mind. Why are worried about him anyways? I just jump to conclusions to often, I shouldn't judge him so quickly. Besides, Hoodie will be here any time now. You told yourself. You sighed and got up from the booth to use the restroom, making it quick so that Hoodie didn't think you left the coffee shop. As you made your way back to the booth, you noticed the man's freighting eyes were still on you, observing your every move. You shrugged his stare away and sat down, taking a sip of your tea. Your brows furrowed together, did it taste different? Your vision became blurred as you saw the man come towards you. I should've trusted my gut. You thought to yourself before blacking out. Time Skip. You opened your eyes to the sound of sirens and the feeling of someone's hand on your head. You looked around to see yourself in an ambulance, Hoodie sitting by your side. "What's going on?" You croaked out. Hoodie brushed your hair out of your face. "Y-you were drugged, a-and trust m-me, I m-made sure h-he w-won't d-do a-again. Ever." Hoodie explained darkly through his sobs. You reached out and wipped his tears off of his face, making him grab your hand gently. "I-I'll never l-leave your s-side again."

*******Ticci Toby, Lost Silver and Homicidal Liu will be coming soon!!"******

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