When you're sad

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Slenderman~ You were having problems with your dad, he would still leave bruises on your stomach and arms, making you feel self conscious. It also upset you thinking not even your family cared about you. Slender noticed you were acting a little strange lately and asked you what's wrong. You let out a few tears causing Slender to wrap his arms around you "You can tell me, you know that right?" he asked. You nodded and told him how you were feeling, making his anger grow silently. "Dear, I love you. I care about you, and I'm sure your father does deep down in his heart, but no matter what I will always make you feel special." you nodded and blushed at Slender's comment, kissing his cheek. "And you better hope he never lays a finger on you again, otherwise we'll be having a little 'chat'" he muttered darkly.

Jeff the killer~ The bullies were getting worse and worse by the day, they were getting even more terrible than before. They would pick on you until you cried, sometimes they would trip down the hallway or pull your hair while sitting behind you. Jeff saw that you were unhappy and asked you why. You told them about the bullies, making Jeff leave to take care of them. He came back a few hours later, covered in blood. "You don't have to worry about them anymore." he said. You smiled at him and gave him a hug, and for the rest of the night he told you how wrong they were about everything that they said and told about all the things he loved about you.

Ben Drowned~ You sat on your bed, holding your controller without any interest towards it. You let a tear fall from your watery eye, wanting Ben. You missed him dearly, considering you hadn't seen him in a few days you had even more of a craving for him. He had to take care of a few things and hasn't come to see you in a week. You wanted him with you, when you felt someone wipe away your tears "Hey, don't tell me I made a girl this pretty cry." Ben said, trying to cheer you up. "Ben!" you squealed in delight, pulling him into a hug. Ben chuckled and stroked your hair, making you happy you cried again. Ben kissed the tears off your face, not wanting you to be sad and held you close to him, lovingly "Don't cry baby, I won't leave you again." Ben whispered.

Eyeless Jack~ You rocked yourself back and forth gently, letting tears fall from your face. You felt unwanted, unloved, and worthless. Your best friend had just stabbed you in the back, which would make anyone upset, but this was different. You were practically sisters, you knew each other since the first grade and you thought you could trust her. Jack saw you crying and asked why, making you cry harder. Jack went over and gave you a hug, putting his chin on your head he listened to every word you had to say. You told him how she betrayed you, making Jack feel bad. Jack gave you some suggestions on what you could say to her and even came with you to talk to her. Jack stayed by your side no matter what and your friend apologized.

Laughing Jack~ Since the time you met Jack he has made you the happiest girl in the world. But, from time to time you still thought of your late sister. You missed her so much and you would give anything just to see her face again. You stayed in your room, crying about her, when Jack came in. You didn't come to visit him today so that immediately sent him a red flag. "What's wrong sweetie?" he asked, wrapping his arms around your neck and pulling you to his chest. You told him why you were so sad, and Jack felt really bad for you, he even shed a few tears. Jack rubbed your back and told you she was in a better place now as you nodded your head. Jack gave you your favorite candy and tried to make you smile the best he could.

Masky~ People at school were still picking on you about your appearance. They would say awful things, telling you that you were ugly and needed more makeup. Sometimes they were even worse, saying you needed to put a bullet in your skull. Your friend tried to stop it, but it just didn't help. You were in your room, crying, before Masky came in. Once he saw you he picked you up and held you in his arms. He asked what was wrong, and you didn't want to tell him at first, embarrassed about what he would say. Once he begged you, you gave in and told him everything. Masky became enraged and asked for their names so he could take care of them. Once he had them written down he stayed with you and told you everything he found perfect in you.

Hoodie~ "Hoodie, am I pretty?" you asked him, tears stinging your eyes. Your ex boyfriend was still upset about you not taking him back, so he was starting to spread rumors. He went around calling you 'easy to do' and 'the worst fuck you could ever have'. Hoodie was a little shocked by your question, so he pulled you on his lap and gave you a soft kiss. "Y-your b-beauty could n-not be compared t-to anything e-else in this w-world, w-when I s-see you, m-my heart pounds s-so fast and I-I can't s-stop l-looking at y-you." you smiled at his words. "N-now, why do y-you a-ask?" Hoodie questioned. You burst into to tears and told him why, making him the most angry you've ever seen him. He stood up, kissed your head and said he had to take care of a few things.

Ticci Toby~ You didn't know why you were so sad, you just were. Maybe it was the gloomy weather lately or the stress from school, but you had been really depressed. You cried easier now and didn't feel like doing anything. Toby noticed when you and him were cuddling one day and you weren't talking as much. "Whats wrong YN?" Toby asked compassionately. "I don't know I've just been sad for the past couple of days." you said on the edge of tears. Toby tried to cheer you up, he gave you cute little kisses, tried to tickle you and fail, he even wore a dress to make you smile. It all worked and you felt better instantly, there was no need for tears anymore. You smiled up at him "Thank you Toby." you said. "Anything for you YN."

Lost Silver~ You looked at your wrists, your vision blurred by tears.You were looking at your scars one day, which was a bad idea. It flooded your mind of bad memories and you felt ashamed. You felt like you let everyone down because you self harmed. You felt that your parents, friends, even Silver were disappointed in you. You covered your eyes, wanting the tears to stop, when you felt a soft kiss on one of your hands. You looked up to see Silver "Whats wrong sweetheart?" Silver asked. You began to cry harder at the sound of Silver's loving voice. You told him you felt like you disappointed him from the self harm. You knew if Silver had arms he would be holding you tight by now. "You could never disappoint me, you're perfect to me YN." Silver said kissing your cheek.

Homicidal Liu/Sully~ This was no ordinary fight. You and your sister had just got into a fight, which sounds pretty normal. But this time what she said hurt you deep down inside. After arguing for a few minutes she turned to you "I hate you! I hope I never see you again! You mean nothing to me anymore and even if you died, I.. I wouldn't care!!" she yelled storming off. At first that meant nothing to you, you thought she was just being over dramatic. Then you got to thinking, did she really mean that? You cried for some time until Liu came. He asked whats wrong and you explained the fight between sobs. Liu felt sad for you and didn't want you to fight with your sister, he kissed your head and came with you to talk to her. You fixed your relationship with her with Liu by your side.

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