When he finds out your darkest secret

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Slenderman~ "What do you mean 'It's not a big deal'? It's a huge deal!" Slender argued. You blushed before looking at your feet, embarrassed about what you had confessed to him. "Well..it doesn't do any harm..does it?" You asked. He blushed bright red, thinking. "No, but it's still..strange.." He mumbled. You had finally told him that you were talking to your brother in law, Offenderman. You weren't doing anything bad, really you weren't, you were just asking him for some advice in bed. If it weren't for Offenderman, you wouldn't had known that Slender's tendrils are 'sensitive' or that he liked his neck to be kissed. Slenderman blushed, thinking of all the heated moments you'd had together and that his brother was telling you to do it all along. "Let's, let's uh..never speak of this again." Slender suggested.

Jeff the Killer~ Jeff twirled a stand of his hair in his pale fingers, biting his lip. "I..I never knew that.." He mumbled awkwardly. You had told Jeff you're biggest secret, the one you dared never to tell anyone. "It's not like I'm upset about it or anything, I just..try to avoid that subject. I hate getting pity from others because of that." The fact was that you had never met you're real parents, you were put up for adoption the day you were born. It didn't bother you much, you couldn't even remember what it was like until you started living with your "parents". In fact, you liked your new parents, they cared for you and loved you more than anyone else could. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Jeff asked, drawing his eyebrows together. You shrugged your shoulders, pouring your, now cold, tea down the drain. "Guess I didn't ever think about it much.." You stated, Jeff wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, trying to change the touchy subject.

Ben Drowned~ Ben burst out laughing, making your cheeks turn bright red with anger and frustration. "It's not funny!" You screamed, only making Ben snicker louder. You had dragged your secret out longer than you should have, making it sound like it was much worse than it actually was. Ben hugged you tightly, his body still shaking with laughter. "That's it?! That's your big secret?" He asked, making you roll your eyes. Yes, you still owned your childhood stuffed animals, and you were not ashamed of it! They gave you comfort and that warm feeling in your stomach that you use to have as a child. You would often hug them and show them affection before hiding them back in the corner of the attic. "Well, it's..kinda embarrassing.." You stated, making Ben shake his head. "Nah, it's pretty cute to be honest." He answered, making you smile. "Besides, I already knew about it."

Eyeless Jack~ Jack stayed silent for a moment, unsure of how he should respond to what you had told him. He'd never known about it, you were pretty sure no one knew about it besides you. "Are..are you mad?" You asked, nervous by how quiet he was. Jack shook his head, kissing your cheek "I could never be mad at you, my dear. But, are you sure you're alright?" You finally told Jack you were a recovering alcoholic, and you had tried very, very hard to cut back. You had stopped drinking a couple of months before you started dating, and had been sober ever since then. And to you, that was pretty impressive. You had had a sip in a year! You nodded your head yes, leaning in towards him. "I'm much better now, I haven't had those urges in a long time. I think it's because of you, Jack." You smiled at him, making him blush and hug you affectionately.

Laughing Jack~ You watched as Jack's eyes opened wide with surprise, your secret very staggering to him. "Are you serious?" He asked. You smiled and nodded, making him feel like the luckiest man on earth. To him, you had seemed like you'd had a ton of boyfriends before him, Jack always considered himself to be your, what, seventeenth boyfriend? But the truth was, he was your first. He was your first lover, first date, first kiss. And because of that, it made him feel special. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked. You arched your eyebrows at him "Because..I didn't think you wanted to know so badly." You giggled at his surprise. You were a little awkward about telling him that, you didn't want Jack to think you were inexperienced or anything. "Are you..upset about it or something?" You asked, making him shake his head from side to side. "No no no, I'm not upset at all! In fact, I couldn't be happier." He smiled, kissing your forehead.

Masky~ Masky's eyes filled with guilt and sadness, instantly making him regret that he had even asked. You seemed depressed today, and he wanted to know the reason for it. "I'm so, so sorry baby girl, I didn't know.." He stammered, holding your hand in his. Today was the three year 'anniversary' of the death of your close friend Sam, the day still haunting your memory. You remembered the successful suicide attempt as if it had happened yesterday. Tears filled the rim of your eyes with both grief and happiness. You had held that in for so long, you hadn't talked about it to anyone. And now, you were relieved that you had finally told someone about that gruesome site, especially since that somebody was the only one who truly cared about you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close. "No, don't be sorry. I'm glad I told you.." You whispered in his ear, allowing yourself to cry on his chest as his hands held the small of your back.

Hoodie~ "W-what?! Why haven't y-you told m-me about this b-before?" Hoodie shrieked, making you giggle. "I thought you already knew." You stated, only making Hoodie's face twist into more confusion than it already was. "No! Y-you've never m-mentioned that t-to me!" He screeched, looking down at Evelyn and Rosalie. You had finally told Hoodie that, just like your girls, you too had a twin sister. Identical, in fact. You gave a small shrug of the shoulder's continuing to read your book. "Well, I would have to assume that you already knew about her. She's covered for me many, many times before." You mumbled. "L-like when?" He replied, still a little shocked. "She's been on a couple of 'our' dates, gone to work for me, watched the kids, things like that." You stated. Hoodie shook his head, leaving the living room and retreating to the kitchen. "So that's w-why I c-can never u-understand what mood you're in y-you can be t-two different p-people! N-now I will never k-know who's my w-wife and w-who is not." He chuckled, nervously scratching the back of his neck.

Ticci Toby~ Toby rubbed your shoulders to calm you down, your hyperventilating cries making you feel as if you would suffocate. He layed your head down on his shoulder, softly kissing your damp cheek. You had finally told Toby about it, and now that your secret was out, you didn't know how he would feel about you. "I'm so sorry." You sobbed, making Toby pat your back. "No, don't be." He coaxed, hugging you tighter. Last year, you had been a druggie. You quit after just a few freighting months, but the urges were still there. You had been sober for ten months now, and hopefully many more to come. "I never wanted to disappoint you Toby, I just thought it would be best for you to know." You explained as he ruffled your hair. "YN, you have never disappointed me. You never will, I love you." He reassured you, kissing your hand.

Lost Silver~ "W-why have I never s-seen that before?!" Silver cried, staring at your hip. You raised your eyebrow with a shrug, unsure of how he could have missed it. Silver has seen your bare hips many times, and for this to be the first time he'd ever seen of it was pretty shocking. "I guess you never looked close enough." You chuckled, taking a sip of the drink in your glass cup. You were born with a birthmark, but in a very..strange way. The red line represented scribbled letters, hard to make out at first, but after a few minutes of staring you could clearly see that it read "Felix". "That's way I wanted to name him that." You pointed towards your handsome, sleeping boy in the crib. "That's so..s-strange.." Silver thought, still thinking of the permanent crimson name you've always had etched into your skin.

Homicidal Liu/Sully~ "Everything makes sense now." Liu said, glueing all the pieces together. You honestly thought that it was pretty easy to figure out, yet Liu and Sully had never known. "So..you've been like that..forever?" He asked, making you nod in agreement. "Would one of the girls have it too?" He asked. You shrugged "I don't know, maybe? We'll have to take them to a specialist to see if they inherited the gene. You were born with severe color blindness, it was extremely hard for you to pick out colors and match them to their names. And because this was so strong in you, there was a good chance that one of the girls could have it as well. "Well, I guess you learn something new everyday." Liu said with a goofy smile and a wink.

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