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"I got an award! Dad! I got a certificate!"

Alyssa ran up to me as I entered Luke's house, since Gabi had picked them up from school.

"Oh my goodness, pumpkin. What for?"

"Geography. Look. A real certificate with my name on. My real name,"

"Oh wow, that is amazing,"

"It says Irwin,"

"It does. I'm so proud of you! You have worked hard in geography,"

"He gave it to me now so I don't have to go up in assembly because I don't wanna do that,"

"That was nice of him, oh well done darling. You've got on so well with school. How was your day, Axel?"

"Good. Can we sleep at June's house on Wednesday night?"

"I don't see why not. Shall we get going?"

As they put their shoes on, I gave Gabi a hug, and she reminded me again about her presentation, which was on Thursday. She reminded me about every hour, so I knew it was important I went.

"Thank you for getting them from school,"

"I'm taking fuel donations,"

"I've already sent fuel money," I said, kissing
her cheek, "I love ya,"

"Love you too,"

I ushered the kids to the car and they got inside, then I put on some music that fell on the calmer end of the scale and drove them to the office.
I always parked by the door, so I did that today, then I looked back and watched neither of them move.

"Go on,"

"Can you come?"

"No, your challenge is to sign in alone. You're together so you're not even alone!"

"Please come dad," Ally begged, "I can't do it,"

"Why can't you do it?"

"I'm gonna mess up,"

"That's okay! If you mess up just take a deep breath and start again,"

"What are they gonna ask?"

"You just need to go in and say hi, I'm here to see Jodie, then she will ask your name. Then Axel can say I'm here to see Andy, she will ask for your name,"

"Can you stand by the door?"

"I will stand by the door but I'm not saying anything for you,"

"I hate everything," she said, her voice wobbling, "I'm not going in,"

"Yes you are, it's almost time, come on,"

"I don't wanna do it," Axel said quietly.

"Nothing bad is going to happen if you guys stumble on your words, I promise. You will feel great once you've done it!"

"I'm not going in!"

"Ally, don't raise your voice at me please. Come on,"

I got out the car and opened Axel's door, but both of them refused to move.

"I will sit in this car park all evening if I have to,"

"Why are you so mean!"

"I'm not being mean, I'm gonna stand at the door. You are gonna feel proud of yourselves,"

Eventually, Axel got out, but Ally refused to look at me.

"You're gonna be late soon,"

"You ruined my day,"

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