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"Mmmmmm. This is so good,"

"I am glad you're enjoying it," Calum laughed, turning his head as there was a knock at the door, "I'll get it,"

We watched him open it, and it was only dad so I relaxed.

"Heya darlings, I need to steal Cal for a chat then I thought we could get going,"


He seemed a little flustered, but he did always worry a bit about us when we stayed somewhere so I hoped he would be fine. I carried on enjoying my chocolate cereal, Axel too.

Eventually, they both came downstairs so we went and packed our bags and thanked Calum, getting into dad's car. He still seemed a bit tense but I didn't think he wanted us to know.

"Did you two have fun?"

"Yeah. We played games!"

"Very nice. Would you like to do anything today?"

"Go in the pool,"

"Yeah, I will float around," I said.

"Sounds good. Did you sleep much?"

"Yep, I am very well rested,"

"Me too. Ally, I'll float round with you,"

"You don't have to,"

"I want to. If I get to play mermaids with dad after,"


"Sounds good," dad said quietly, "Will you two be alright for a bit if I quickly nip over to see Luke?"

"Can't we come? Is Gabi there?"

"Gabi is there, would you like to see her?"




When we got there, we all went inside and I headed upstairs to see Gabi. I knocked on her door and she opened it, then hugged me and let me inside. Axel had been behind me, but he stayed in the landing to play with Petunia.

"I didn't know you were coming?"

"Dad is talking to your dad,"

"Oh, okay. I am getting ready to see my new house, are you coming?"

"No, we're gonna go home. Axel wants to play mermaids,"

"As if,"

"I do," he called, Gabi raising her eyebrows. She was doing her makeup, and looked really pretty. I had always thought she looked like Luke, but I swore she looked even more like him the more time I spent here. They had really delicate features, and I thought her body was to die for. Sometimes I felt... mismatched together. Dad always said me and Axel were beautiful but I didn't know if he was biased.

My appearance wasn't my biggest insecurity, I was pretty okay now with the fact I had scars and stuff from the accident, but I guessed I could sense that Gabi felt super pretty with her makeup and I wanted to feel girly and pretty too. I hadn't felt feminine before I moved in with dad, and now I had felt it, I wanted to feel it all the time. I loved being a girl, as much as I hated it. It was important to me that I could feel feminine because I felt like maybe that had been taken away from me. I was talking about it a lot in therapy.

"Knock knock,"

"Auntie Sierra," I smiled, "I had chocolate cereal at Calum's house,"

"I bet that was good,"

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