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"Al, what float do you want?"

"The flamingo,"

"Imma take the swan. Here,"

He helped me onto the float and pushed me off into the pool, following on the swan float. Everyone else was already in the deep end doing hand stands and throwing things in the pool to catch, and I did feel a bit left out, but Charles kept me company.

"Are you going on any holidays?" I asked.

"Yeah, at Christmas we are gonna go to England and spend it with family. It's gonna be cold, I hope it snows!"

"Wow, I haven't seen snow. Not that kind anyway,"

"Are you doing anything?"

"We are going to the beach next Thursday, after we are adopted. It's my first time at the beach,"

"That'll be fun, you will like the beach. Are you excited to be adopted?"

"I'm really excited. I think dad got me a new dress, but I just want his last name and I will be happy,"

"I'm glad you're getting it. By what Ax says, it sounds like you have lots of amazing people around you,"

"Yeah," I said, smiling to myself, "Thanks for floating with me,"

"I'm not into doing whatever they're all doing anyway,"

"I am, but these injuries suck,"

"Your shoulder is getting better now, right?"

"Yeah, but it's still really hard for me sometimes. I look different. My leg is different, and this scar on my head... it reminds me,"

"I'm sorry, Al. That's shit,"

"Yeah," I said, smiling a little, "Very shit. I'm working on it,"

"Ally! Watch me,"

I looked at Axel and he did a handstand, then came up and grinned, swimming over.

"That was cool,"

"I forgot how fun pools are. Hopefully you can swim soon,"

"Maybe, but I like floating. So does Charles,"

"You're not gonna play mermaids with me?" he asked, swimming under my float to come up by Charles, "Please?"

"I'm fine being dry,"

Axel splashed water up at him and he gasped, then splashed water back at Axel. Then, Axel swiped water all over Charles' stomach, and laughed, Charles dunking him under the pool. I could tell that kinda triggered Ax, and he looked back at me for a couple of seconds, then started to push Charles' float down the other end of the pool and climbed out.

"If you're about to cannonball,"


He jumped in and splashed water all over Charles, then swam away and climbed out the pool, Charles following. They chased each other- June kept shouting at them not to run- then Charles grabbed Axel into a hug and they jumped in together, both coming up laughing.

It made me smile. He really liked Charles.

"Kids, the food is gonna be ready soon, get dried off,"

"What are we having?"


"Hell yeah," Maria said, climbing out the pool, "I'll be there in a moment,"

"Me too!"

"And me,"

They all got out the pool, apart from Axel, who pushed my float to the edge then helped me get off it.

"That was cute,"

"Shut up,"

"I'm happy for you,"

"They probably all know now huh,"

"They are oblivious, to everything. They just left me floating in the middle of a pool,"

He laughed and grabbed his towel, drying his top half off so he could hug me.

"He has a better six pack than you by the way,"

"Fuck off," he laughed, "It's a process,"

"I'm kidding. Are you okay? That he dunked you under the water?"

"Um, yeah. I'm gonna ask him not to, ever again. Come on, you love burgers,"

He went into the guest house to change, so I sat outside by the barbecue. Their garden was super nice, and this sofa was in the shade which dad would be happy about because I didn't have suncream on.

June came out first and jumped onto the sofa next to me, then Haz, who also brought us both some water.

"You guys and start getting what you want,"

"It smells so good," Maria said, walking out the guest house, "I'm eating it all,"

I shuffled over and picked up a plate, but I hated when you had to serve yourself food. I didn't wanna seem greedy, and I also couldn't hold a plate and pick things up at the same time so I had to wait for help. Thankfully, Ethel helped me out and she made me feel really welcome- I loved being at June's house. Simply being at any friends house would be fun because it still felt so novel, but June's family were all really nice.

We all sat at the table to eat, then decided to go and play video games inside. I mostly watched, but I was fine with that because the company of my friends was enough. Also, knowing I had the rest of summer at home with dad and Axel was making me really excited because I always loved the weekends, and now it was like a permanent weekend for a while.

We ate lots of snacks and watched a movie together, Charles and Axel shoulder to shoulder. I was pretty sure Maria had caught on, but I wouldn't be surprised if everyone had after earlier. They made each other giggly.

"Haz, I'm with you right? And June is with Alyssa,"

"I am with Alyssa, yes. She doesn't snore,"

"She does," Axel said

"I don't,"


"Do not! You snore!"

"I think everyone snores sometimes," Charles said, "We are all in the same room anyway,"

"Exactly," June said, "Imma go and get ready,"

"Her twenty step skincare routine,"

"Whose skin is glowing, Haz? That's right, mine, not yours,"

"Are there actually twenty steps?"

"Nah, he's being dramatic,"

"There's only nineteen," Maria laughed.

"She's kidding again. See this is why I am sharing with you, Alyssa,"

"Um, okay,"

I looked at Axel, kinda confused about everything, then picked up my overnight bag. Sometimes I wasn't good at understanding jokes and I didn't know if everyone was mad at each other now, so I just left to get changed. I ended up hearing them all laughing downstairs while I did so I figured they weren't mad.

I brushed my teeth, then took my things back down and got into June and I's bed, which was next to Axel's. He hadn't bothered getting ready, he just got in bed, but that was his choice.

"June you must be careful of my shoulder,"

"I will be, don't worry,"

"Thanks. Goodnight everyone. Thank you all for being my friend,"

"Awh, we love you, Alyssa," Maria said, "Sleep well. Don't wake us up in the morning,

"She can sleep in as late as she wants, trust me, she is not the one who is gonna wake you up,"

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