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I wished I had held onto that blissful feeling a little longer.
I woke up feeling so incredibly anxious- I had to go and lay with Cal for a bit to calm down. It wasn't that something may go wrong, but that it was a huge life event and I was... scared.

Nothing changed between me and my kids, or if it did it would be for the better, but knowing the emotional weight of the day ahead definitely had me nervous. Mainly for my kids... I knew how crap you felt about yourself if you felt miserable on a happy day, which was a possibility. I hoped for no arguments between the pair, but I wondered if that was me being extremely delusional.

They were tired as hell when I woke them up, but Calum started making breakfast for us, so I climbed into Ally's bed with them and hugged them both.

"Is it cancelled?"

"No. It is very much happening so we need to get ready after breakfast,"

"Okay," Ally said, nuzzling into me, "I couldn't sleep so I put gems on my sling,"

"Very nice, that will go well with your dress,"

"I don't know what dress to wear,"

"I got you both outfits,"

"What's mine?"

"Dress shirt and tie,"

"Thanks, dad,"

"We need to go down and grab breakfast," I said, checking the time, "Cal is cooking,"

They followed me downstairs and sat at the table, then I helped Calum dish up and we all ate together. Both kids seemed hungry, they ate really fast, so I sent them upstairs to get ready as we finished. I wasn't gonna tell them, but we kinda needed to get a move on.

Cal cleaned up while I went upstairs to get into my suit, then I did my hair, and Axel's hair too.

"Looking good, dude,"

"Thanks. You look good too,"

"Is your sister ready?"

"Obviously not,"

"Shall we see if we can give her a hand?"

"I need help with my tie,"

"Here dude, I'll help," Calum said, "Ash, you give Ally a hand,"

I kissed Axel's cheek and let myself into Ally's room, feeling the stress in the air. Then, she sent me to find some shoes, then do her hair, while she did her makeup. I curled it for her, and she looked gorgeous, as always.

"I'm stressed,"

"We have enough time now,"

"Do I look okay?"

"You look very smart, and very beautiful. How do you feel?"

"Lots of things,"

"I figured. I'm all ears all day. Are you two ready for your gifts?"

"We get gifts?"

"Oh yeah. Come to my room,"

She came with me and we met Ax and Cal in there, then I pulled out two large boxes from my wardrobe.

"Now, we don't have time to open them all but I want you to open two of them. They should be numbered 16, and 4,"

They rummaged through and found them, then excitedly opened them both.

"This necklace, wow. Thank you, dad. Put it on,"

I helped her do it up, then sorted her hair out and smiled, keeping my hand on her back.

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