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"You made it,"

"Of course I did. You look beautiful, angel. Is this it then?"

"Yeah. I know it doesn't look like much,"

"Oh be quiet, this is your research!"

Gabi wore a long, formal dress that was pale blue and suited her very well. She had jewellery on, her makeup done, her hair curled- and she looked stunning.

"I hope it's okay,"

"Let me have a read,"

I stood with my hand round her shoulders, gently stroking her arm as I read it. She was nervously twiddling her thumbs, but she had no reason to be. Even if it was the crappiest thing I had ever read in the world, I was already so proud of her for overcoming all the challenges to get to this point.

Also, it wasn't the shittiest thing in the world. In fact, I found myself getting rather emotional.

She had used my research as a starting point to come up with a new idea, and it was laid out ever so beautifully.

"Oh Gabi, this is wonderful. I am so, so proud of you,"

"It's good?"

"It's good, I feel very honoured,"

"I wouldn't be doing any of this without you,"

"Do you have to stick around or are you free to come and go?"

"I don't have to be here at all,"

"Wanna grab lunch?"

"Where are your kids?"

"Probably still asleep at their sleepover,"

"Okay, yes please,"

I walked us out with my arm still round her, then we got in my car and I let her choose the music. Since we were dressed up, I took us somewhere rather nice, and we got sat in a booth. She put her phone in the middle, as did I, then leant forward to rest her chin on her hand.

"Ash can I tell you something so stupid?"

"Isn't that everything you say?"


"Go on,"

"I think Maddox is gonna do something this holiday... I dunno. Having my nails done, mums all of a sudden decided she needs to buy me some new shoes and some eyeshadow. She's all secretive with dad,"

"Oh right,"

"I'm probably being so delusional right now but what if she proposes?"

"Would you like her to?"

"Yes. So badly, but it's stupid. I'm getting my hopes up for nothing,"

"You never know,"

"She's not gonna, we're super young. If she tried to ask dad I think she would never be allowed to utter my name ever again,"

"He's not that bad,"

"You think he would let me get married?!"

"I never know about your dad, but I am sure if you are happy, he is," 

"I suppose. Maybe I'm making it all up," she smiled, "How are your two?"

"Very excited for summer, I think. I think one to one time is really gonna help them consolidate their feelings, they're getting used to this all now. The adoption is in a week,"

"All of this was my idea,"

"Kind of,"

"You were destined to have kids, you have the patient of a saint. First everything I put you through and now you're dealing with more teenagers,"

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