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It was beautiful.
The sun was setting, both girls wore gorgeous dresses, and they seemed to have found a quiet little beach so it was just them. I gathered Luke and Sierra were hidden in some sort of bush, very close to the camera as Luke's sniffles kind of overtook the audio. Still, I felt very honoured to watch, and see the happiness in Gabi's face real time.

At one point I got shoved in a pocket, and I heard general sounds of happiness for a while, then I was finally freed and Gabi's face entered the screen. A very tear stained, happy face.

"Uncle Ash," she said quietly, "You knew?"

"As fake dad I had to give permission too,"

"And you watched me?"

"I did, it was a very beautiful proposal. I'm really happy for you, angel,"

"It's so pretty," she said, showing mw the ring, "And her parents got us a house, down the road. I'm so lucky,"

"It is a gorgeous ring,"

"I'm so happy. I need to tell Calum, and Michael,"

"You go and do that, angel. I love you so much, and you Maddox! Welcome to the family!"

"Thank you, Ashton,"

"See you both soon!"

The call ended and I smiled to myself, watching as Maddox got added to the groupchat with us all, and a photo of her ring got sent. I was so proud she had overcome everything and now had a fiancé, and was going to live more independently. Quite honestly, I had always expected us to need to care for her for her whole life, and I knew for a long time we expected her 20s to kind of be where her health deteriorated and well...

But I was so proud of her. I was still taking time to adjust to letting go of the constant stress and worry about her, and let myself believe she might even meet my grandkids now if I had any. Maybe I would see her have kids too.

All I had ever wanted was to see Luke and Gabi happy, and they were.

Once I had recomposed myself, I went to the shop to grab some food, before coming back to pick up my kids. Both of them got in the car silently and stayed that way even when I spoke to them. I just ignored it, and drove us to Michael's, because this was meant to be happy for me right now.

"Hello! Come in!"

"Hi Crystal," I smiled, "Thank you for inviting us over,"

"Of course, Michael is just finishing cooking. Can I get you any drinks?"

"Water for me, please,"


They still stayed silent, and I twisted my lips, walking through them to get to the kitchen.

"They're not talking, they had to check themselves into therapy today so I'm a bad guy,"

"Ah, I'm sure some food will help lift all our spirits!"

"It smells good,"

"Thanks mate. Oh I can't believe about Gabi, can you?"

"I know! I have to admit, Maddox did ask me for permission before,"

"Awh did she? That's sweet. I feel so old now,"

"Me too, me too... Maddox's parents bought that house that was for sale on their street. I know Luke will literally be able to get to her house in seconds but I can't believe she is gonna move out!"

"New house?" Crystal said, "I am ready to design every last corner of that for them,"

"They'll love that,"

"Your kids want you in the lounge, I'll set the table,"

I slipped out the room and headed into the lounge, standing in the doorway.

"Do you hate us?"

"No... what's with the silence, though? I just, I really don't think I am being the bad guy. It stung a little,"


"Okay... why don't we have some food and have a fresh start. Today has been a bit weird,"

"Can I have a hug?"

"You know you can,"

Ally ran up to me and I wrapped my arms round her, then Axel joined and I kissed his head.


"Fresh start for the day, okay?"


We all went to the table and the kids started chatting away, so I enjoyed sharing the meal with everyone. I was grateful Michael had cooked for us, and thought to invite us over. Ally seemed much more comfortable here now as well.

After eating, Ax and Michael played video games, then the rest of us put some tv on and chilled out, chatting together. Crystal and Ally weren't the closest at all, but it was good to hear them chatting away, especially since they both got on with Sierra so well. I though Ally looked up to Crystal a little bit, and she definitely let her curiosity ask some questions. Over the last few months I could tell Ally felt most comfortable in herself when she could express her femininity in the same way that she saw Sierra and Crystal do, so she approached them with questions and they answered with patience. I thought it was really beautiful to see the impact a female role model had had on Ally, you could tell it was something she had always wanted, and she treated it preciously.

It sounded mean, but I was happy when the kids didn't want to go home. It meant they'd had fun.

"Dad, can we invite June and Haz over tomorrow please?"

"You can,"

"And go in the pool?"

"Sounds like a good plan. Did you enjoy this evening?"

"Yeah, I'm tired though,"

"It's getting late, we can get to bed. Do they need lifts tomorrow?"

"I didn't ask. I'm not good at this friend thing still," Ally said, "Sorry,"

"You don't need to be sorry, pumpkin! Ask if they would like picking up,"

"Okay. I will. Okay, they need picking up,"

"Let them know I'll set off from our house around half ten,"

When we got back home, we got ready for bed and the pair of them settled in Axel's room to watch something on the tv. Honestly, I just went to bed. It had been a long day, and for once, I just needed to rest without my kids.

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