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"This is killing me,"

"I'm sorry, dude. Let's get you home,"

"I feel like a glass bottle,"

"I'll look after you,"

Ax sat in the wheelchair and I put my bag over my shoulder, pushing him out to the car. All movements were slow, and calculated, so I left him to buckle himself in and took the wheelchair back to hospital.

All four limbs were bandaged up, and it was obvious that just about every muscle in his body ached.

I picked us up some mcdonalds on the way home, including some for Ally because by the sound of things she hadn't been eating much.

However I wasn't quite prepared for the state of her when we got home. I tucked Ax up in bed with his food, then went through to see her laid with a sick bowl, her hair all tossled about, looking really pale.

"Hey pumpkin, I brought you lunch,"

"I can't eat it,"

"Okay," I said, sitting beside her and gently brushing her cheek, "Are you feeling a bit poorly?"

"Yeah. I missed you,"

"I missed you too, so much. Did you throw up?"

"Three times,"

"Oh angel. Why don't you sit up and I will brush your hair out of your face, then you can try some food,"


"What would you like then?"

"A hug,"

"We can do a hug,"

I took my shoe off and climbed over her so I was facing her, bringing her into my body.

"I can't do well without you. I am sorry,"

"You don't need to be sorry," I said, kissing her forehead, "Feeling safe without your parents takes a lot of time and patience, sometimes,"

Letting out tiny cries, she buried herself into my chest, so I rubbed her back and let her get it all out. Cal appeared at the door, but I asked him to give Axel some company, and instead focused on making sure Ally was completely covered by my hug how she liked to be.

Honestly, I had not expected her to struggle this much, but she did seem unwell and that was never easy to experience. Eventually, she calmed down and let me brush her hair, complaining about me tugging, and 'pulling her entire scalp off' in her words. Then she told me her brain was about to come out of her head so I put the brush down and put it in a plait, not having the energy to even tell her that her brain would not infact come out of her head.

Michael had written down what medicine she took, and when, so I gave her some more, then reheated her food for her and left her settled in her bed.

Life moved so rapidly so suddenly, sometimes. I was struggling to process it all.

"Can you two stick around for the rest of the day?" I asked Cal and Mike.

"Of course,"

"How are you doing, mate?"


"Yeah... these things happen, you're doing the best you can. I think she will be okay now she has her dad back here," Calum said, patting my back, "How can we help?"

"Do you mind staying awake while I go and have a nap?"

"Go on,"

"Thank you, so much,"

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