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"What are you two still doing awake?"

"Playing games,"

"It's 2am," dad laughed, "Get to sleep,"

He turned the tv off and waited for me to move, so I tucked myself into Axel's bed and he turned the light off. Neither of us had realised the time, but we were definitely tired- as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

Sometimes we used to stay up really late even though we were tired because we didn't want the fun to end. Now we had fun everyday, but we didn't used to and sometimes we wanted to cling onto it. I guess the habit stuck.

Dad wasn't mad at us in the morning, though, and he let us have a lie in. He even cooked us breakfast which I knew I didn't need to be surprised about, because he always did, but today I felt like appreciating him a lot. We never went without anything anymore, and now we even had a surname that was full of love. My new name was given to me with love, and because my dad wanted me to be part of his family.

"Can we play video games again today, Ally?"

"Yeah, I need to finish drawing for Calum though,"

"I'm sure you will be playing video games with Cal later anyway,"

"Can we workout together later then? While she draws?" Axel asked.

"Sure can,"

"That's not fair,"


"You two have loads of things in common, you play the drums together, and run together, and workout together, and cook together, and can swim together,"

"Dad reads to you,"

"When your shoulder is better we will all cook together, and swim, pumpkin,"

"I wanna do more things together,"

"Then we will," he said, kissing the top of my head, "I love you both equally, you know that,"

"I love you more than Axel does,"

"No you don't," Axel grinned, "We love him the same, because we are twins,"

"That's not how it works,"

"Yes it is. Dad, I'm gonna go and call Charles then I'll be ready,"

He left the table and dad took his seat, sipping on his coffee.

"I didn't mean to make you feel left out. I am sorry,"

"I'm jealous because Axel has a boyfriend and does stuff with you and I still have shoulder pain and no one thinks I'm pretty,"

"We are getting closer and closer to your shoulder healing, aren't we? And then you can do everything your brother does,"


"You are doing so well, I am really proud. How about I paint with you after I have worked out?"

"I would like that,"

"We can do that then! If you feel like this then you can tell me, you don't have to let it build up and explode,"


"I love you,"

"I love you too. I hope Calum likes my drawing,"

"It's looking really good so far, he will appreciate it a lot!"

I always thought my art was kind of average, I mean, my old art teacher didn't like me any more than the others. At my new school all of them liked me so I didn't think anything of them liking me either. It wasn't until dad said kind words that I thought maybe I was good at it.

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