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"Good morning,"

"I'm too tired to wake up,"

"Come on," dad said, gently rubbing my cheek, "You're almost at summer. You have English first, you like English a bit more now,"

"My head really hurts,"

"I will get you some tablets,"

"It hurts really bad,"

I wasn't even lying, it was pounding. I felt awful.

"Dad it really hurts,"

"Here, take these. Try and get ready,"

"I can't. This is the worst headache of my life,"

He felt my head, then my cheek, then by my collarbones and hummed.

"You're not feverish,"

"I'm not lying,"

"You're gonna have to stay in an office if you don't go to school,"

"I will,"

"Alright then. Ask Auntie Sierra if you can stay,"

He left the room, so I texted her, but it hurt my eyes so I turned my phone straight off and kicked the blanket off me. I was glad he believed me. I didn't fake sick very often, I had only done it like 3 times, but it had ruined his trust a bit.

"You're not coming to school?"

"Ax my head hurts so bad,"

"For real?"


"Want me to stay off too?"

"Dad said I have to go to an office,"

"Oh. I'll look after you after school," he said, coming over to hug me, "Do you need anything?"

"I think imma go back to sleep,"

"Okay. I hope you feel better soon. I will get you some water,"

I actually fell asleep in the time it must've taken for him to get water, and I woke up to being prodded on my cheek which made me jump. I covered my eyes and grumbled, then opened them to see Calum stood a few steps back.

"Sorry, it's almost lunchtime, I had to check you were still conscious,"

"No you didn't,"

"Did so. How are you feeling?"


"I have medicine sent from your dad, he'll be down for lunch with us soon,"

"It hurts real bad," I said, starting to cry, "I hate periods,"

"Oh bless you sweetheart, take this medicine and have a good lot to drink,"

He handed it to me, then found a bottle of water and opened it, watching me take it. Then, he opened the window and took the scrunchie off Sierra's desk, gesturing me to lift my head up.

"Dad doesn't believe it hurts,"

"Yes he does,"

"No he doesn't,"

"Stop crying because you will make it worse. He believes you, that's why he brought me medicine for you,"

"How long will he be?"

"He's just finishing up a consult,"

"It doesn't feel good,"

"I'm sorry sweetie,"

He sat beside me and gently rubbed my forehead while I shut my eyes because it hurt to use them. I felt okay about Calum after our gamesnight so I didn't mind.

Eventually, dad came with some food, sulking when he saw me.

"Not any better?"


"That's not good, pumpkin. How is your vision? Can you see fine?"

"Yes but the light hurts,"

"Let's close all the blinds then, some food might help. Do you feel sick in any other way?"

"No it's just my head,"

"Okay. Try not to cry, it'll make it hurt more,"

"I hope that medicine was strong,"

"It's supposed to be," he said, lifting my body so I could lay on his lap, "Give it a few minutes and we will get some food in ya, see how you feel,"

"It's pounding,"

"Alright. Close your eyes, and just take some deep breaths,"

He gently massaged my head, and shushed me, but I felt plain awful. It took a while for me to calm down, and I didn't want to sit up at all but I had to. Dad tried to make me eat, but I didn't want to- only Auntie Sierra convinced me because she said if I ate now she would make a cake tonight for my party tomorrow. I hoped I was well enough.

"Have you definitely drank enough pumpkin?"

"I dunno,"

"Did you hit your head in the night or anything?"


"Can you follow my finger?"

"Leave me alone,"

"Your dad is a neurosurgeon, you're not getting out of it," Calum laughed, but I wasn't laughing so I scowled.

I followed it, then he flashed a light in my eyes, and pulled me back into his arms for a hug.

"Maybe we should get you home,"

"I'm done for the day," Calum said, "I can take her. Only if you want, Alyssa,"

"How does that sound pumpkin? Calum won't bother you unless you want him to, but you can get back in your own bed huh?"

"Yes please,"

"Alright. I've gotta go back to work but Calum will sort you out with anything you need, and I will be home for tea,"


"I love you so much. I hope you feel better soon,"

He kissed my forehead, then left again, leaving me to flop back down on the sofa.

"Wanna get going now?"


"Oh bless you sweetheart," he said, frowning, "Come on,"

Calum gathered my things, then put his hand on my back and we left, going in his car instead. It was just as nice as dad's, but he didn't have blankets or car freshener that I liked.

When we got home, I got back into bed and he brought me a cool flannel for my head, then picked up my book and started reading to me. I thought maybe he shouldn't because dad would have missed a chapter, but then I decided to be selfish because I felt like actual crap.

Something about Calum reading to me made me feel a bit safer and appreciated. He didn't have to, he didn't care about the book, but maybe be cared about me a bit. When I first found out about him I was so scared because I knew he had hurt Gabi, but he had always proved to me he was calm, and peaceful, and looked out for people. He was definitely starting to grow on me.

Plus, him reading sent me right to sleep.

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