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"Dad we gotta wake up!"


"Please can we have breakfast?"

"You know you can get breakfast whenever you want,"

Both my kids stared at me blankly and I scoffed, shaking my head.

"You want me to cook you something?"


"Give me a minute then,"

I got out of bed and put my dressing gown on, then we went downstairs, Ally holding my hand. She barely wore her sling anymore and was doing well with her physio- I left her to it nowadays and I could see the improvement.

She clung to my side as I made breakfast, then ate it next to me.

"You two are gonna have a fun day,"

"I am so excited to see Luke," Ally said, "I want a Luke hug,"

"We could all use a Luke hug sometimes!"

"Have you decided what to do with Gabi yet?"

"Whatever she wants to do,"


"Treating my niece," I corrected, "You two will be equally treated. Have you packed?"


"Good. I will go and get dressed,"

I left them, but Ally followed behind, hovering in the doorway.

"I was thinking in private, pumpkin,"

"Oh. Yeah,"

"Is something up?"

"No. I might miss you a bit today though,"

"You'll have a good time darling! You always think you're gonna miss me then make lots of good memories,"

"Yeah. Okay. I will get dressed,"

Quickly, I changed while she was gone, knowing she would appear at my door again and open it. She did.

"I just tried to brush my teeth and gagged. I am gonna be sick, I am so anxious,"

"Oh sweetheart, would you like us to rearrange?"


"You will have a wonderful time with your Auntie and Uncle," I said, gently cupping her cheek, "They can stay and have a drink if it'll help you warm up, and you can brush your teeth at their house,"


"That's okay. Sometimes we have anxious days, but I am sure you will feel better,"

The doorbell rang and she froze slightly, then ran downstairs. She had changed into a pair of shorts and a pink baby tee, and put a couple of rings on. Of course, her socks were pink too.

Even though she had run down, she didn't open the door, so I did it, Luke and Gabi stood waiting.

"Come in, come in!"

"I am so excited," Gabi said, "This is a bag of Maddox's old clothes for Ally to try,"

"Wow. Thank you! Ally, you have clothes!"

She peeked round the corner and looked at us all, then went back in the living room and shut the door.

"Anxious morning,"

"I will stay out of her way then,"

"She likes you, Gabi,"

"Hey Luke! Imma get dressed,"

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