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As far as weekends went, ours was on the more relaxed side. The kids lounged about, and honestly so did I. It was nice to be able to start appreciating my hobbies again, and I got time to meditate which really helped clear my head. Sometimes I found I really took on my kids emotions, and I needed time to reorganise my thoughts.

It was a nice ease into the summer holidays, because I could tell both kids kept having waves of anxiety, but they were definitely managing them quite well.

The fact it was monday now made no difference to any of us, but I still liked to keep track of time.

"Good morning dad,"

"Afternoon now, dude,"

"Oh. Sorry,"

"Would you like something to eat?"

"Yes please,"

"Axel you shouldn't sleep in," Ally said, "Now you wont sleep tonight or the next night then you will be tired for our adoption,"

"I'll be fine,"

"We go to therapy in like two hours,"

"It's his fault if he's tired," I said, "Calling Charles all night,"


"It's alright, what can I make for ya? A fry up?"

"Yes please,"

"Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm not sure,"

"Why don't you hop in the shower real quick and freshen up?"


I pat his back and he went back upstairs, so I got on with cooking for him. Alyssa was happily drawing at the table, and she did have a point that he would tire himself out, but I wanted to let them have lots of freedom this summer so a few late nights were nothing.

I was perfectly happy to cook for my kids whenever they needed, really, and I felt like it had definitely made them more comfortable in the kitchen. A lot of the time they helped out too.

As I was dishing up, he came back down and wandered into my side for a hug, which I gave him. There was definitely a gloomy look on his face, and when he took his food he went and slumped against the wall.

"What's up dude?"

"I'll tell you later,"


"Why can't you tell me?" Ally said, "I'm your sister,"

"I don't wanna tell you,"

"Fine. I will just leave,"

Scraping her chair back, she stormed out the room and we heard her stomping upstairs. Ax just sighed, and bit into a slice of toast.

"I'm really nervous for the adoption, dad. It will work out, right?"

"Of course it will sweetheart, it will be a really good day surrounded by our family,"

"I want it all to be over, I want your name and for it to be official so I know it's never changing,"

"It'll all work out bud, I promise. Michael and Crystal have invited us over for tea after your therapy, how about we go so you can play games with him and take your mind off things?"

"Yes please,"

"I love you, so much,"

I could tell he was frustrated, his jaw was locked and his cheeks were red. A couple of months ago he probably would've slammed something on the table, or stormed off and shouted, but I could tell he was trying his best to calm down.

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