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"This ice cream is huge. It's bigger than my head,"

"Why didn't you get chocolate drizzle?" Axel asked, "Boring,"

"What if I didn't like the drizzle?"

"You would,"

"I like it without. Thank you, dad."

"You're welcome, shall we walk on the beach?"


When we got to the sand, dad took his shoes off and walked on, so Axel copied, but I was a bit scared. I hadn't touched sand before.

"Woah. It's soft, Ally,"


Ax held his hand out to me, so I slipped my shoes off and dad picked them up. I couldn't hold Axel's hand and my ice cream, which he didn't think about, but I followed anyway.

"It's hot,"

"This is weird,"

"Is the sea gonna be really cold, dad?"

"Probably, we can stand in it if you'd like,"

"There's no sharks, right?"

"No sharks,"

Axel ran ahead and into the water- both of us had changed into shorts and a tshirt once we got back from court- then beckoned me to come over. I didn't run, but dad and I walked.

"Oh. I don't like it,"

"You'll get used to it,"

"No I don't like it," I said, running back out, "The sand is all stuck to me,"

"We can wash it off before we go,"

"I don't think I like the beach,"

"Why don't we stay for a little bit, then wash our feet off and go back home to chill out,"

Axel had fully take his tshirt off and got into the water, not too far, but he was having fun so I agreed to stay. Dad stood with me as I finished my ice cream, then joined Ax for a bit, kicking splashing water at him. He froze for a second, then splashed him back, but came out the water. It was the same as when Charles had dunked him under water. I had no clue why, but Ax clearly got upset when he was out of control on the water. I hoped he was okay.

"You okay, dude?"

"Yeah, I just forgot it was you for a second putting water on me,"

"I'm sorry. Love ya,"

"Love you too. I like the beach,"

"That's good to hear, let's wash our feet,"

He took us over to a tap and I washed my feet, then put my sandals back on and walked off the sand. Once we got in the car, I chilled out a bit more, and picked up the unicorn toy that was now gonna come everywhere with me.

When we got home, I was surprised to see balloons in my room, and some more bundles of gifts in the corner. Axel had them too, and dad. There was also a giant cake in our kitchen, half pink and half dark blue which were obviously our favourite colours. More balloons were there too, and a big banner that said 'welcome home'.

"Dad, did you do this?"

"I did not! I expect I can guess who did,"

"Sierra," I grinned, "And our presents?"

"Probably everyone. I told you, you guys will get spoilt rotten for the rest of your lives,"

"I'm gonna go open them all," Axel said, "Please?"

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