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"Heya pumpkin, have you come for a goodnight cuddle?" I said, smiling slightly as she climbed into my bed, "What's this,"

Silently, she passed me a note, then sat away from me as I opened it.

To Dad,

Please can I have my hair and nails done before we go to court as I think it would make me feel better in there.

"If we can find somewhere with space then absolutely. What were you thinking?"

She stayed silent, and shuffled into my side, then started breathing really heavily. Tears ran down her face, and I hushed her, gently holding her head against my side.

"I am sure whatever look you go for will be beautiful. It is going to be okay eventually, pumpkin. I am by your side forever,"

Still, she didn't say anything, so I scooped her up into my arms properly and sat her on my lap so she was laid on my chest.

"You are so brave, and you are so strong, and I am going to make sure you are okay. I am your dad, my job is to love you, and nourish you, and help you feel and be the best person you can be... I am so sorry about this all,"

When I got no response again, I concluded she wasn't gonna talk to me, so I cuddled her for a while.

"Do you want me to read to you?"

No reaction.

"Would you like to just sleep here? Cuddle with your old man all night?"

I took her sliding under the covers next to me as a yes, and turned the lights out, letting her lay on my chest. It was terrifying, but I knew from other conversations that sometimes she did this. Not that it made okay.

Thankfully, she seemed to sleep through the night, but she wasn't feeling any more talkative in the morning. Axel was pretty on edge as well.

"Ally has asked to get her hair and nails done today. Would you like to do anything sweetheart?"

"I dunno,"

"Michael is off work, I bet you could play video games,"

"Ally, why am I not doing your hair?"

She looked at him and shook her head, then stabbed her sausage with her fork and looked down again.

"It's all a lot right now, for both of you. I could see if Gabi is home?"

"I'll play games with Michael. How are you gonna tell them what hair you want if you won't fucking talk?"

"Axel, calm it,"

"Right. Sorry. Your precious angel can't do anything wrong,"

"You know I wouldn't want her swearing at you either. Would you like to talk about anything after breakfast?"


"Okay then. You and Mike can organise your day together, he can come here if you want. We will leave whenever he comes,"

"Can you not be out all day? Please?" he said quietly.

"Of course not,"

"Thank you,"

"We will spend some family time together tonight, and make sure we know whats happening tomorrow, yeah? Everyone we love is going to be with us to support us,"


"I love you both so much,"

"I love you too, dad," Axel said, staring at Ally, "Say something,"

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