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"Don't pull that face. I know I look like shit,"

I burst into tears when I saw him, dad holding me in his side tightly. I felt so much anxiety for Axel. I felt everything.

"Ally, don't cry. It's just grazes,"

"They're really bad, Axel,"

"They're not really bad," dad said, "He is gonna be okay,"

"They are," I sobbed.

"Ally. You don't say that to someone in hospital,"

"Are they really bad?"

"No, dude. You will be okay," Calum said, "I will leave you guys to it,"

Before dad could sit down, I sat beside Axel and leant so my head was on his pillow, still crying a little bit. It felt like my body was hurting too.

"You can't cry all day,"

"I can,"

"You can't. You will give me a headache,"


"You're still crying,"

"I'm sorry,"

He put his hand on my back and gently rubbed it, making me feel pathetic. I should be rubbing his back. Axel was always the brave twin.

"Dude, I will be okay. I just need to lay in bed for like, a week, and play video games and nap. That's my dream,"

"Can I play games with you?"



"How was your sleepover?"

I looked up at him and he tilted his head, patting my back. Maybe he was okay. He was in his older brother mode where he acted all older and looked after me so he must be okay.

"It was good. We watched a movie," I mumbled, "I slept well,"

"Good. Wanna watch another movie with me?"

"Yeah. Please,"

Dad moved his chair next to mine so we could both see, then held me while we watched one on the little tv. I hated being in hospital but it was somehow a million times worse seeing someone else in the bed. I couldn't believe I was saying it but I would take all the needles in the world for Axel.

I was still feeling a little run down, so dad went and got me hot chocolate and let me have a lay down in his bed. It was super uncomfy, explaining the bags under his eyes.

When a nurse came in to check on Axel I got really uncomfortable- it felt like my skin was crawling. No matter how much I worked on it, nothing made it any easier that Axel and I had been separated and hurt in hospital.  I should have known yesterday that something was wrong when dad let me miss therapy for a sleepover considering I had a long way to go.

Ax and I both slept for a bit, then we got to have lunch but it was the disgusting hospital food so I refused to eat it. As time ticked on, I felt more and more upset about being here and dad could tell. It wasn't exactly hard to tell.

"Would you like me to see if Gabi could pick you up?"

"I don't wanna leave Axel,"

"I will be okay, Ally. Promise,"

"Promise, promise?"

"I promise, promise. We can watch movies at home tomorrow,"

"Do you hurt lots?"

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