iDefine Love by xxkissfromarosex

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Chapter 3: Gibby

Gibby liked to think that he could go through life not depending on anyone. He was just a Gibby, and not many people got what that was, exactly. If he was honest, he wasn't exactly sure either. But hey, he was happy.

He was an extremely complicated, intelligent person. The dark horse. The lone wolf. That was him.

It was just a shame Sam Puckett couldn't respect that.

From garbage-can wedgies, spray-painting his locker green and hacking onto his computer system to download various viruses, Sam didn't seem to understand the term 'boundaries'. Gibby didn't know how Freddie could stand it; she tormented the boy almost as much as she tormented him, but he seemed to take it all in his stride.

Maybe it's all down to practice.

Gibby would often find himself watching the trio closely. This habit had come after a particularly painful Sam-attack. (He didn't want to divulge too many details, but it took him two whole hours to remove his underwear from his butt crack.) His radar was on constantly, inching around corners and looking out for a sudden swish of blonde curls.

She'd still surprise him, everytime. He was always on hyper-alert, and yet she managed to dodge his attention right until the last moment. And even then, it was too late. Her hands would attach to his waistband, and he'd feel a sharp pain rip through his buttocks.

Weirdly, he soon got used to the sensation and even began to enjoy it.

Gibby found their whole dynamic interesting. Freddie had claimed for years that he'd loved Carly, and he'd always love her. Yet, Gibby couldn't see anything between the pair. Carly had denied him for years, but Gibby had to hand it to him; Benson wouldn't give up on the girl, no matter what.

That's why he and Freddie were the same; both in love with a girl who wouldn't give them even a second glance.

Sam was the last girl Gibby would've seen himself with. But the pain he got from her ambushes was soon replaced with a quickened pace at her touch and always wanting more. His radar for spotting her soon became the most important thing in his mind. Because he really wanted her to hurt him, to give him a wedgie that would hurt so much that he'd still be sore for days afterwards.

Gibby decides that the irony of the situation is that love is actually the least romantic thing in the world. In his case, anyway.

Gibby would never, ever admit to Sam that he liked her. Besides, he was sure she was set on someone else.

And he was pretty sure who this 'someone' was.

It was obvious. She'd torment Gibby for the sheer joy of seeing his face crumple in pain; but she'd torment Freddie just for him to notice her. She was effectively competing with Carly, and Sam knew she was losing. How could she not? Her best friend was pretty, happy, friendly, cute. Look up 'perfection' and there'd be a picture of Carly.

But Gibby didn't think she was perfect. Sometimes her hair was waaay too straight and her left leg was definitely longer than her right.

With Sam, there was another layer to her character. She had a tough exterior, but if you peeled that away you'd see a fragile girl who screamed at the world before they could scream at her first. And when Gibby discovered this, he saw a more vulnerable side to her. Even if she'd never show it to him herself.

So he liked Sam, who liked Freddie, who liked Carly, who was happily unaware of their conflicting emotions and the strain it was having on everyone.

Gibby would always be a huge part of iCarly. But seeing Sam stare at Freddie while he, in turn, was absorbed by Carly, sent cracks through his heart; more painful than an atomic wedgie.

He couldn't really wait any longer. His heart knew he'd waited long enough for that girl, and if she wasn't going to say anything to Freddie, then Gibby certainly wasn't going to say anything to her.

The dark horse. The lone wolf. That was him. Always.

But hey. At least his mom thought he was awesome.

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