iDon't Want You To Leave by jesswrites

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iDon't Want You To Leave by jesswrites

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Angst & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 1,614
Published: Feb 6, 2010


It's one thirty AM, or at least it was when you last check the clock on your PearHome. You're out on the fire escape, listening to your PearPod when your mom thinks you're asleep, in beddy-bye land.

And you're sitting there, think about how Sam's moving tomorrow to go live with her abusive father in Nashville. He won the court battle, and she's gotta go, even if you don't want her to.

You feel a slim tear shimmy down your cheek, and you shake it off, 'cause you know she'd call you a wimp and a loser if you cried over her.

You hear a clank on the fire escape below yours and you look over the edge. There she is.

"Sam." It's not a question, it's a statement. She nods and scales the final ladder, standing awkwardly a few feet in front of you for a few seconds before she finally walks over and sits down on the cold, hard floor of the fire escape next to you, with your backs resting against the wall under the window.

She says it so quietly, you barely even notice it. "I'm leaving tomorrow."

"I know." And suddenly, your song comes on. Running Away by AM. You and Sam's song.

"I don't wanna go, Freddie. I really don't. He's awful, like Ms. Briggs and Mr. Howard combined, except worse. I don't wanna go." You know who she's talking about. Her father, Mr. David Puckett.

You don't say anything. You just grab her hand and intertwine your fingers with hers. And funnily enough, your spaces fit right in between hers.

"I don't want you to leave either, Sam," you say, and you feel another tear coming on, but you blink it back.

"What'll happen to iCarly?" she asks, and you know the answer.

"There's no iCarly without iSam, the funny, abrasive co-host who adds more to the show than the dorky tech producer would ever admit."

She smiles, you can see underneath the moonlight, and it's a beautifully bittersweet smile. "Thank you, Freddie. Thank you. And there also wouldn't be iCarly without iFreddie, the dorky yet loveable tech producer, even if the abrasively funny co-host won't admit it."

"Thank you, Sam. You know, I really will miss you. You're like, one of my best friends, and I can't imagine life without you," you say, and just when you're sure she's gonna slap you for being such a sap...

"I'm gonna miss you too, Fredwad. It's just... my dad's such a jerk. He's a nubby, janky jerk and I hate him. I hate him a ton. I just wish my mom would've won," she confesses, and you smile.

"It's okay to cry, Sam. Even Sam Puckett has to get sad sometimes," you say.

Like magic, her tear ducts open and the saline-water mixture starts flowing down her face, onto her shirt, and you hold her a little bit closer, wrapping your arm around her shoulders. "It's okay to cry Sam. It doesn't mean you're weak."

She says, "look what you do to me, Freddo! You're making me cry!" she said, wiping her eyes and smiling.

"I'm sorry, Sam. I really am."

"Look at me! Freddie! Look, you can turn me into practical goop just by saying's it's okay! Don't you think that's bizarre?"

"God, Sam. This kinda sounds like you're admitting you like me or something!" I say sarcastically.

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