My Random Seddie Oneshots: 3 Dances, 2 Kisses And A Moment by Symphony Solider

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My Random Seddie Oneshots by Symphony Solider

TV » iCarly
Rated: K
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Angst
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 476
Published: Aug 22, 2010


Three dances, two kisses and a moment.

That's all it took for Freddie to realize.

Three dances, each with Carly. One was at the Groovy Smoothies. When he was holding her in his arms. He thought she was the love of his life.

When he wasn't lost in the moment. He saw Sam walk in. He saw her face drop, and he saw her walk out. He wanted to chase after her.

But he didn't.

The next was at Nora's birthday party. He got Nora off of her after a few songs and grabbed the next person in reach: Carly. She accepted, since she was dancing with a clown. They danced, but something was off. It didn't feel right. When Crabbs had a heart attack, he ran to his side. His hand gently touched Sam's.

There was a spark. He was going to figure out what it was. Why he felt it on her touch and not Carly's. He was going to ask.

But he didn't.

The last dance was at the Spring Fling. Carly was sitting alone, and he offered to dance with her. The last was a test. A test to see if he really loved her.

She failed the test.

When he was dancing with Carly he did notice something: Sam was sitting alone too. He could've asked her instead.

But he didn't.

Two kisses. The two he received from one of his girlfriends, Stacy. She was nice. Pretty, caring, he usual. Each kiss was random. One after a first date, one in the hallway.

He broke up with her.

He noticed, when she gave the first kiss there was no spark. He thought he just missed it. When she kissed him in the hallway he saw that he didn't miss anything. Well, actually he did. He missed the spark. The spark he felt when he got his first kiss. From Sam. He wanted to feel the spark again. He wanted to kiss her again.

But he didn't.

Well, he didn't at the time.

The moment. The powerful moment. She got hit by a car. She died. That changed him. Everyone noticed he didn't smile or laugh. Everyone saw something.

He didn't hate her. He loved her.

And those three dances and those three kisses were the things he regretted. He could've danced with Sam. He could've kissed Sam.

But he didn't.

And that kills him everyday.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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