Impulse & Recoil by Stop. Rewind

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Impulse & Recoil by Stop. Rewind

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Angst
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 2,828
Published: Apr 23, 2012



They can get you in and out of trouble, savior and destroyer.

Then sometimes they just fuck things up so completely that there are no words left to explain, but it's not the words, its not the fault of something ultimately intangible. The power is in those who wield the words. The words come out of you. They don't choose themselves, they don't pick and choose what tone you will say this in or how you'll enunciate that.

It's not their fault.

It's yours.

"Is it too late for you to love me?"

My name is Fredward Benson and I'm a jerk. A Fredjerk, Jerkward, a veritable jackass. I'm not proud of myself. This isn't who my mother raised me to be and it certainly isn't what having two female best friends has taught me to be, I'm supposed to be one of the good ones but I guess even the good ones have their moments and I don't feel so good right now.

I don't know when my life shifted from comedy of errors to teen drama.

"Is it too late for you to love me?"

Then again maybe I do know.

It started like a fairy tale just like the ones my mom used to read me from the pink book of fairy tales my aunt gave her when they still thought I was going to be a girl. It sits on my dresser next to the jewelry box my mom refuses to keep in her room " ..but its yours Fredward!" and stays pink and uncovered because "...your aunt put thought into that gift Freddie and if its covered she wont know you still have it.." But I'm getting off track, oh right fairy tales. You see...

Once upon a time Freddie Benson was in love with a girl and once upon time and time again that girl said no to his every advance, and once upon a time he never gave up, at least not until he did. It was hard because you don't give up on the perfect girl, you try and try and hope upon hope to wear her down to make her see that you could be, maybe, the guy for her.

This Freddie Benson, he saw the long brown hair and the big brown eyes and the smile and the sweet demeanor, how she just cares so much about everyone. He saw the first girl to speak two words to him, to be nice to him, to be his friend.

The feeling grew because it must be love it had to be, because she's perfect.

There's a flaw there, a big one, unseen during a crush no matter your age.

You never think the perfect girl may not be perfect for you. Or that maybe shes not that perfect.

It was an obsession a puppy love, an infatuation. Do you know what love is at ten or twelve or even thirty? I thought I knew what love was when I was ten, when I met Carly Shay and my one-sided love story began. To me love was caring and being nice, and Carly was those things to me, then again so is my mom...

I'm an nerd, and a geek. This isn't news, just the truth. I was those things before I ever set foot into Bushwell Plaza seven years ago and I'm confident that will be the case my whole life. School is easy everything else is hard, people they're difficult and although I've come a long way in seven years I've never been great with people especially girls, I'm awkward around them and find it difficult to come off sounding like I'm not an idiot. You would think I'd be better at it with two female best friends but it doesn't work that way, my spaz attacks and too close to being stalker-like comments and tendencies towards Carly are an assessment to that.

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