Seddie Oneshots: 210 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,376
Published: Dec 5, 2010

A/N: Jason, Emma & Ashton and Tyler are Sam & Freddie's children. Quincy, Huey and Kirby are Gibby & Tasha's children and Clarissa is Carly's child. Emma & Ashton are twins.


"So I'm thinking of getting something new done to my hair," Carly said, flipping through a magazine as she sat at Sam and Freddie's kitchen counter.

"Um, like what?" Sam frowned.

"Oh, I dunno," Carly shrugged. "Maybe some bangs, or like, a few highlights. Or maybe-What are you doing?"

"Fredward hid my box of Fat Cakes that I used to have stashed in our bedroom," Sam said, opening the cabinets above the stove. "He said he was getting tired of having Fat Cake crumbs in the bed...Man, he'd better hope I find them soon, or else he's going to wake up tomorrow morning with itching powder in his boxers."

"Er, okay then," Carly said. "Hey, I'm sure Clarissa already asked Emma or Ashton this, but since we're still painting Clarissa's room, is it cool if she sleeps over here tonight."

"Yeah, sure," Sam nodded. "Hey, you think maybe Freddie hid my Fat Cakes in the garage? Maybe in the-"

Just then, the front door opened and Freddie and Sam's fifteen-year old twins and Carly's daughter walked into the house.

"Hey, how was school?" Carly asked as Ashton and Clarissa hung their jackets up by the door while Emma simply dropped hers on the floor.

"Good, I found out I'll be getting straight A's this semester," Ashton said happily.

"Nice work, kid," Sam said. "Hey, did you see your dad hiding a box of Fat Cakes anywhere?"

"Um, no?" Ashton frowned.

"What about you girls?" Carly asked Emma and Clarissa.

"Well, I found out I'm not failing anything this semester," Emma said, heading to the fridge.

"Good, because I can't deal with any more parent teacher conferences," Sam said.

"And I think I decided I want to do something new with my hair, mom," Clarissa said. "Maybe new bangs, or some highlights, or-"

"Oh my God, I was just talking about doing something like that with my hair!" Carly said excitedly. "We can go to the salon this weekend and get mother-daughter cuts together!"

"Yeah, that will be so much fun!" Clarissa grinned.

"Aren't I such a cool mom?" Carly said, turning to Sam.

"Yeah, you're just the coolest," Sam said.

"So what do you guys want to do tonight?" Ashton asked Emma and Clarissa, grabbing herself a pear from the fruit bowl on the counter.

"We could go see a movie," Clarissa suggested.

"Nah, there's nothing good playing," Emma said, biting into a Fat Cake.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Sam said. "Emma, where'd you get that Fat Cake?"

"There's a whole box of them under the sink," Emma replied.

"Under the sink..." Sam mumbled, quickly pulling the cabinet under the sink open and pulling out the box of her beloved snack. "Nice try, Fredbat. Can't keep Mama from her food."

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