Seddie Oneshots: 473 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 4,034
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Hey! Who drank all my eggnog?" Sam exclaimed, taking an empty carton from the fridge. "I told everybody in this house it was off limits!"

"Sorry, I got thirsty," seventeen-year old Emma said, coming into the kitchen. "Hey, are there anymore of those Christmas cookies left?"

"Oh, so you're going to finish those too?" Sam said, rolling her eyes as her daughter grabbed the plate of cookies from the counter.

"You know, you remember how I told you one day Karma would come around and get you back for eating all of my food when you were a kid?" Spencer said, looking up from the gingerbread house him, Carly, Clarissa and Ashton were working on at the table. "Well there it is! Revenge tastes pretty bitter, doesn't it?"

"Oh shut up!" Sam snapped.

"Okay, I think I finally got the last of this dang mistletoe down!" Freddie said, joining the others in the kitchen. "I swear, there must've been five pounds of this stuff hung around here."

"Hey! I spent an hour hanging that all up this morning," Carly said. "I thought it would look festive for the big Christmas Eve dinner tonight."

"Oh no, no, no," Freddie said, shaking his head. "I will not have all this stuff around the house."
"Wait, dad? You took all the mistletoe down?" Jason frowned as he came into the kitchen with everybody else. "Eileen is going to be here in an hour!"

"Yeah, and Quincy will be here any minute," Freddie said. "Do you want this stuff hanging around as an excuse for him and your little sister to be kissing all night?"

"Ugh, yeah, take that junk down," Jason cringed.

"You're insane," Sam said, shaking her head as she checked on the large ham in the oven.

"Don't worry baby, I saved some mistletoe for us," Freddie smiled.

"Oh lucky me," Sam smirked, rolling her eyes. She turned to Ashton at the table. "Ash? Did you and Emma clean out your room and set up the camping bed for Nicole? Melanie just texted me and said they'll be here soon."

"Yeah, it's all set up, mom," Ashton nodded. "I'm so glad Nicole's finally visiting again. She always brings the cutest outfits and lets me borrow them."

"And the pullout bed is all ready for us tonight too," Freddie told her.

"Okay," Sam said. "Though I don't know why Melanie and Cody can't sleep out there. It's our house!"

"Because they're our guests and it's the polite thing to do," Freddie said. "Now then, I need to get back outside."

"Why?" Clarissa asked. "It's snowing like crazy."

"He's trying to make sure our house has the best Christmas decorations this year," Ashton said, rolling her eyes. "He's been going crazy doing the lights and inflatable Santa's and all this other chiz."

"Wait! I wanna help!" Spencer said, jumping up.

"I thought you were making this gingerbread house with us," Carly pointed out.

"Yeah, but electrical stuff is so much more fun," Spencer said.

"That's the spirit!" Freddie said brightly. "Come on, I need to take another look at some of the mechanics on the singing snowman on the roof."

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