iAm The Only Exception by musicfreak291

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iAm The Only Exception by musicfreak291

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Hurt/Comfort & Romance
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.,
Words: 3,066
Published on FanFiction: Dec 27, 2009

[ s o n g f i c ]

10 Years Ago

All was well. I was a happy 5 year old, without a care in the world. I had friends, my Mom and my Dad. I thought that nothing would change. That everything would remain as it was. My Parents loved each other and I loved them. Little did I know that my little perfect world was soon coming to an end.

Recently, my parents had been fighting. A lot. It happens almost every night, almost like a routine. My dad would return home, late I might add. My mom starts asking questions and they start quarreling. I simply sat in my room, huddled in my bed, just hoping that they would stop. I hated it when my parents fought. Sometimes it would go on well into the night and I couldn't do anything. But no matter how bad it got, they always made up in the end. However this time was different.

I was sitting in the living room, looking at the television as images flashed across the screen. I however, wasn't paying attention since my parents were once again fighting in their bedroom. My mom would shout something and my dad would yell back. I knew something was wrong. More so than usual. It felt...different. Next thing I knew my dad left the bedroom and slammed the bedroom door closed. He was crying and I could tell. I stared at him as he sat next to me.

"Daddy, why are you crying?" I asked as I wiped a tear away from his cheek. He smiled weakly and kissed me on my forehead.

"It's okay, honey. It's just that daddy did something wrong and mummy's just mad." He replied. I hugged him tightly, hoping that the love I was giving him could bring the pain away. He chuckled and hugged me back. "Thanks, pumpkin." He said.

I heard a door open and I looked up to see my mom standing in front of her room. In her hand, was a suitcase. She then chucked the suitcase at my dad, him catching it midway. My mom then proceeded back into the room and I could here the noise of the dresser drawers opening.

"Daddy, is mummy still mad?" I asked. He simply looked at me and I could see the sorrow on his face. My mom re-emerged from the room and tossed a pile of clothes in my dad's direction.

"Pam, please listen. I..." Dad said.

"No excuses. I don't want to hear it. This is the last straw." Mom shouted.

"Come on, Pam. Please." My dad took a step closer to my mom. He looked like he was on the verge of tears again.

"Get out. Go to that woman. I don't ever want to see you again and I don't want you to see Sam either. And know this, I will never forget this." Mom shouted and slammed the door. My dad then went and picked up the scattered fabric on the floor.

I stood there watching as he stuffed the clothes into the suitcase. He then stood up and looked at me.

"Dad?" I asked, getting a little scared and sad at the same time. He simply sighed and turned towards the door. "Dad?" I asked again, taking a step closer to him. By this time he was at the door, opening it. I knew he was going to leave but I couldn't let him. I had to do something. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him. "Dad, don't leave. Please." I begged. Tears began running down my face. "Please." I sobbed.

He sighed and closed the door. He put down the suitcase and picked me up. "There there. Don't cry." He then sat me down on the couch and sat beside me.

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