Seddie Oneshots: 390 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 3,253
Published: Dec 5, 2010


[ quemma ]

"Maybe we should go with the blue," Freddie said, scrunching his brow in deep concentration as he looked down at wallpaper samples. "Oh, but then what shade of blue? There are just too many choices here."

"Can you just pick one?" Sam moaned. "For the love of ham, Fredward! We're picking out wallpaper for our bathroom! You know, the place where people go and-"

"Hey, any room deserves to look nice," Freddie defended as his and Sam's fifteen-year old daughters walked into the living room. "Emma? Ashton? Which wallpaper sample do you like best for the upstairs bathroom?"

"Don't care," Emma said simply as Sam snickered.

"Hmm, I like the blue," Ashton replied thoughtfully. "But then you have to decide what shade to go with..."

"Exactly my dilemma!" Freddie said. "At least somebody here understands."

"Well there you go, Ashton can take my place in this whole decision making thing," Sam said.

" thanks," Ashton said quickly. "But do you think maybe Emma and I could have a few bucks for the movies?"

"Didn't you just get your allowance?" Freddie frowned.

"Yeah, but Ashton donated most of it to some charity thing at school and I bought this giant jawbreaker the size of my head," Emma explained. "So now we're both broke again."

"Well maybe that will teach you to start saving a little bit every week like I've been telling you," Freddie said. "When I was your age I took three dollars from my eight dollar allowance every month and put into my savings account and you know what? When I got to college I had a whole ninety-two dollars for me to enjoy."

"Yeah, and he went crazy and bought a new laptop case," Sam grinned.

"A pleather laptop case, thank you," Freddie said. He turned back to the twins. "Now girls, I'm sorry, but you can't just expect money from us whenever you want to go do something fun. You're fifteen now, and that means you should be responsible enough to budget your savings wisely and-"

"We will next time, daddy," Ashton said sweetly. "We promise."

"Yeah," Emma nodded. "We'll do that lame budget thing. But we love you so much daddy."

"I-well...okay," Freddie conceded, pulling out his wallet and handing a few bills to each of the girls. "But this is the last time, okay?"

"Okay!" the twins chimed happily.

"That was pathetic," Sam whispered to her husband.

"Hey, I think I really got through to them," Freddie replied.

"So we'll be home before dinner," Ashton told her parents. "Clarissa's going to be here in a few minutes and then we're just gonna go pick up Quincy and-"

"Wait, what?" Emma frowned. "Quincy's coming? I thought it was just gonna be me, you and Clarissa."

"No, Quincy called last night and I invited him," Ashton shrugged. "Anyway, after the movie we're gonna grab some ice cream so I can bring you back a cone of that chocolate fudge swirl that you like, mom, and-"

"Um, actually, I don't think I'm gonna go," Emma said slowly.

"Why not?" Sam asked.

"I just remembered I have to do some homework," Emma mumbled.

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