iAm Confused by Tansy Petals

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iAm Confused by Tansy Petals

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Drama
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Published: Apr 27, 2011
Updated: Apr 30, 2011


"Saaaa-aaam?" Freddie sang.

"What now? And get your hands out of my hair!"

"But it's so pretty."

"Aw, that's so sweet."

"Shut up, Carly. This is not funny."

"To everyone but you it is."

"I don't appreciate that."


"Don't call me Sammie!"


"There is no 'r' at the end of Samantha!"

"You're so clever."

"I forbid you from ever getting drunk ever again!"

"Okay, Sammie."

"DON'T call me SAMMIE; and Carly, STOP laughing."



"Cute, Fredlumps. Speak like that ever again and I'll punch you into sobriety."


"Stay out of this, Carls."

"Don't yell at Carly-Carls!"

"She's not a cat, Fredwierd. Stop petting her."


"SAM! No violence!"

"You always ruin my fun, Shay."

"Don't pout, Sam. It's not attractive."

"Yes it is."

"Be quiet, Freddie. You're not helping your case here."

"Yeah, shut up, Fredward."



Sigh. "What now, Freddork?"

"Carly felled over."


"Yep, she... in the lounge."

"Shit, come on. On second thought, you stay here and I'll be back in a second."

"Okay. Oh, and Sammie?"


"I loves ya."

"That's very nice, Freddrip. Now, stay put."

Sam kept one eye on Freddie as she headed from the kitchen into the adjoining lounge, only looking away when she couldn't see him anymore. Carly wasn't hard to locate, her hot pink mini skirt making her stand out where she was sitting on the floor, leaning against the sofa with an empty bottle in her hand. She had the bottle upside down and was shaking it, staring in confusion when nothing came out. Sam sighed loudly, rolling her eyes in despair. Curse her friends for being such lightweights. She walked over and Carly waved cheerfully, taking the hand Sam offered and leaning heavily on the shorter girl as they made their way back into the kitchen. Sam propped Carly against the counter beside Freddie and pulled her phone out of her pocket, pressing speed dial four and tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for the call to connect.

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